API Mocker is a Django powered API proxy mock service
- Mock your JSON API
- Add custom headers
- Push response callback
- Record API response content and header in database
- Supports for POST/GET/PATCH/PUT/DELETE/HEAD/OPTIONS http methods
- Set your own response status code
API Mocker uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- Django - free and open-source Python web framework.
- Docker - Swarm mode - open platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run distributed applications, whether on laptops, data center VMs, or the cloud.
- Traefik - a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer made to deploy microservices with ease.
- ELK stack - a collection of three open-source products: Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. Elasticsearch is a NoSQL database that is based on the Lucene search engine. Logstash is a log pipeline tool that accepts inputs from various sources, executes different transformations, and exports the data to various targets. Kibana is a visualization layer that works on top of Elasticsearch.
- webpack - webpack is a module bundler this means webpack takes modules with dependencies and emits static assets representing those modules.
- Celery - open source asynchronous task queue or job queue which is based on distributed message passing.
- Requests - Python HTTP library, released under the Apache2 License.
- Sentry - real-time error tracking gives you insight into production deployments and information to reproduce and fix crashes.
- django-crispy-forms - Django application that lets you easily build, customize and reuse forms using your favorite CSS framework, without writing template code and without having to take care of annoying details.
- Bootstrap - great UI boilerplate for modern web apps
Want to contribute? Great!. Pull requests are welcome!