Fast Non-negative Matrix Factorization under KL-Divergence: A Case for Link Prediction
This is the implementation of the SLPMF framework presented in [1].
- For GSCD:
function [U,V,TraceU,TraceV]=GSCD(incompleteNetwork, unknownsA, latentDim, coordGradMaxIter, gradMaxIter, gradeps,cyclic)
% incompleteNetwork - incomplete matrix
% unknownsA - list of unknown entries
% latentDim - latent dimension
% coordGradMaxIter - coordinate descent iterations
% gradMaxIter - gradient descent iterations
% gradeps - gradient descent epsilon
% cyclic - 1=cyclic optimization, 1=greedy optimization
% U,V - latent factors
% TraceU - Objective value Traces (U Iterations)
% TraceV - Objective value Traces (V Iterations)
- For PGSCD:
function [U,V,TraceU,TraceV]=PGSCD(incompleteNetwork, unknownsA, latentDim, coordGradMaxIter, gradMaxIter, gradeps, numberOfThreads)
% incompleteNetwork - incomplete matrix
% unknownsA - list of unknown entries
% latentDim - latent dimension
% coordGradMaxIter - coordinate descent iterations
% gradMaxIter - gradient descent iterations
% gradeps - gradient descent epsilon
% numberOfThreads - number of parallel threads
% U,V - latent factors
% TraceU - Objective value Traces (U Iterations)
% TraceV - Objective value Traces (V Iterations)
- [1] P. Siyari, and H. R. Rabiee, “Fast Non-negative Matrix Factorization under KL-Divergence: A Case for Link Prediction”, Sharif University of Technology, Technical Report, 2013.