The code repository for the paper "End-to-End Neural Permutation Program Synthesis".
Check out requirements.txt
, or directly use pip
to install them.
All important code files are on the root level of the repository.
handles command-line arguments and starts individual jobs/creates sweep agents (sweeping hyperparameter tuning is done through WandB)
is where the experiment gets initialized and run, epoch by
contains the definition of training losses and training loops (batch level)
contains the procedures for computing evaluation
sets out the neural model architecture
usage: [-h] [-j JOB_ID] [-o OUTPUT_PATH] [-t TASK] [-df DATA_FORM] [-ddp DATA_DIRECTORY_PATH] [-da {load,generate,generate_and_save}] [-f FOCUS] [-m {single,sweep}] [--sweep-id SWEEP_ID] [--sweep-runs SWEEP_RUNS] [--verbosity VERBOSITY] [--wandbosity WANDBOSITY]
[--plotlibsity PLOTLIBSITY]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-j JOB_ID, --job-id JOB_ID
The job id (and the name of the wandb group)
-o OUTPUT_PATH, --output-path OUTPUT_PATH
The directory which will contain job sub-directories containing the checkpoints of best models
-t TASK, --task TASK The task to perform
-df DATA_FORM, --data-form DATA_FORM
The data form to use when creating the training (default: unique_n)
The path to the directory containing the data to use (default: ./data)
-da {load,generate,generate_and_save}, --data-action {load,generate,generate_and_save}
The action to perform when preparing the data (choices: load, generate, generate_and_save; default: load)
-f FOCUS, --focus FOCUS
The rolling ID of the group to focus at (default 0, means all groups being loaded)
-m {single,sweep}, --mode {single,sweep}
Choose whether to do a single evaluation run or whether to start a sweep agent (default: single)
--sweep-id SWEEP_ID The id of the sweep to connect to (usually a string rather than a number)
--sweep-runs SWEEP_RUNS
The number of sweep runs to do in this job (default: 1)
--verbosity VERBOSITY
The terminal output verbosity level (0 is min, 2 is max, default: 2)
--wandbosity WANDBOSITY
The level of verbosity for wandb (0 is min, 2 is max, default: 2)
--plotlibsity PLOTLIBSITY
The level of verbosity for matplotlib (0 is min, 1 is max, default: 1)
Say that you want to reconstruct all groups of order less than 10
in a single job, saving the checkpoints of the best models to ./bests
Then, in the root directory of the repository, just run
python -o ./bests -t full_recovery
The plots of evolving atoms/primitives can be found under ./plots
More details about various data representations and tasks can be found in the paper.
If you have any feedback to offer, a question about or an issue with the implementation, or a pull request to make, just use GitHub Issues functionality, or hit me up at