I am an associate professor at the department of Psychology of University of Montreal and the principal investigator of the laboratory for brain simulation and exploration (SIMEXP) at the Montreal Geriatrics Institute (CRIUGM). I recently joined Mila (Quebec AI research institute) as affiliated member, and I supervise students in computer science (cognitive computational neuroscience) at DIRO, University of Montreal.
My main research interest is to train artificial neural networks in order to jointly mimic individual human brain activity and behaviour. To achieve that goal, I lead an intensive effort of individual data collection in neuroimaging (fMRI, MEG), the Courtois project on neuronal modelling (CNeuroMod). The SIMEXP lab also applies machine learning techniques to identify robust markers of brain disorders in multisite data, most notably as part of the Québec consortium on neurodegeneration in aging CIMA-Q). I am a Senior FRQS chercheur boursier, a member of the Quebec alliance for Unifying Neuroscience and AI (UNIQUE), the CerebrUM center. I lead several infrastructure projects and I am in particular the scientific director of the Functional Neuroimaging Unit (UNF) at CRIUGM.
Finally, I am an open science enthusiast: I co- founded and regularly contribute to Brainhack, Brainhack school, the Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform, the open science SIG, and a number of open source software librairies.
You can find a list of my publications on google scholar and contact me by email, on Mastodon or on the Brainhack mattermost.