© Fisheries and Oceans Canada (2007-2024)
The R package PBSddesolve generates numerical solutions for systems of delay differential equations (DDEs) and ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The numerical routines come from Simon Wood’s program solv95
, originally written in C for the Microsoft Windows operating systems. With PBSddesolve, a user can write the gradient code for a system of DDEs or ODEs in the R language, rather than C. The code will then run on all platforms supported by R, and the results can be inspected using R’s extensive graphics capabilities. Simon has very generously given us permission to publish PBSddesolve (including his embedded routines) under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.
For more information, see the User's Guide (file PBSddesolve-UG.pdf
) featured in this repository. Obtain the package PBSddesolve from CRAN, the standard repository for R contributed packages.
This package replaces an earlier R package ddesolve, which is no longer supported.
PBSddesolve represents just one of a series of R packages developed at the Pacific Biological Station (PBS) in Nanaimo, British Columbia. A more advanced version of PBSddesolve might be available at pbs-software on GitHub. Any evolving package (Windows binary and source tarball) is built after using CRAN's rigorous R CMD check --as-cran
routine (on a Windows system). Most of the time, the revision on GitHub can be built in R using devtools::install_github("pbs-software/pbs-ddesolve/PBSddesolve")
; however, not every revision has been checked for CRAN worthiness.
As with any freely available product, there is no warranty or promise that PBSddesolve will perform adequately for all circumstances. Additionally, coding errors are possible, and users should contact the package maintainer if bugs are detected.
Maintainer: Rowan Haigh