This project aims to handle an account, by implementing the basic operations, such as sign up, log in, and refresh-token. This is a training project.
This project was build using Clean Architecture. Basically, the application is broken into layers, each one with its responsibility. The main layers are:
- controllers: It is responsible to adapt the web interface (by HTTP) into the domain model. Body validations and transformations from client to application and vice-versa should be done here.
- domain: It is the core of the application. The domain contains all the entities and the protocols (interfaces) to its related operations.
- usecases: It is the implementation of the business rules related to the operations described on domain.
- gateways: It is responsible to adapt and uncouple external access, such as databases and third-party APIs.
- main: It is the single hard-coupled layer responsible to build all the instances and inject the dependencies.
Following the Clean Architecture guide-lines, the most inner layers should not know the most external layers, and it is done by using the Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP). Therefore, the use case layer (for instance) should not know the gateway layer. Instead, the use case layer declares protocols that should be implemented by the gateway layer. Any class that implements that protocol is eligible to be used by use case.
The following diagram shows the dependency graph of the sign-up feature. Note the inter-layer dependency: domain does not depend on any layer, and gateway depends on usecase instead of the contrary.
More diagrams can be found in
Following Interface Segregation Principle (ISP), each interface/protocol defines a single operation. A single class can implement several interfaces if it respects the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). For instance, BCryptAdapter implements both Hasher
and HashComparer
interfaces, since both are interconnected and share similar responsibilities.
This project exposes the following endpoints and contracts.
This endpoint aims to create a new account, given the body information. All the fields are mandatory and email must be valid. When a valid body is provided, the account is persisted and the response has code 201
and the just persisted account as the body.
POST /signup
"name": "any name",
"email": "",
"password": "any password",
"passwordConfirmation": "any password",
This endpoint aims to authenticate an existent user given an email and password. Both fields are mandatory. When credentials are valid, the response has code 200
and the access and refresh tokens as the body.
POST /login
"email": "",
"password": "any password",
The provided access token (vide login) expires in short time-intervals, to get a new access-token without the need to authenticate again by email/password, use this endpoint.
Provide the mandatory field refresh-token (from login or last refresh-token request) to get a new pair of access and refresh tokens. The refresh-token will also expire but in a larger time interval.
POST /refresh-token
"refreshToken": "valid-refresh-token"
By using this endpoint, the user is able to set his/her account image (avatar). The sent image is scaled to 64x64 and 256x256 and all of them (including the original one) are stored into S3 (this project uses fake-s3, an AWS S3 compatible API). Finally, their locations are stored in the account document.
POST /set-image
| image | Image file |
Before run, you must have a MongoDB database available to be used. Take its URL connection, it will be used later.
- Export the database connection URL to
. npm start
docker --name ms-account -p 3000:3000 -e MONGO_URL=database_connection pcandido/ms-account