A quick-and-dirty string-to-Elasticsearch-query parser, because writing this was easier than making sense of the nested query_string_query discussion. It probably has a bunch of errors and limitations, but it seems to work just fine for my needs.
Match _all fields: "value"
Field specification: "field:value2"
Wildcards: "*value*"
Value greater than: "field > value"
Value greater or equal: "field >= value"
Value less or equal: "field <= value"
Value less than: "field < value"
Nested field: "some_object.field:value"
Phrase: "field:per hansen"
Clauses may be combined using " AND ".
index: 'files',
type: 'file',
body: {
from: 0,
size: 10,
query: autoquery.generate('file.size > 1024 AND file.name:*.pdf')
}).then(function(result) {