Source code of the CLI version of the IITK-Traveller Esolang, built by Programming Club IIT Kanpur. The documentation of the working of the language can be found at
Working installation of the Rust Programming Language and the cargo manager is required to build the project. The project was developed in rustc v1.65 and cargo v1.65. Install by following the official installation guide according to your platform.
Clone this repo to working directory and open a new terminal (powershell for windows) on the same directory. Then
cd iitk_traveller
cargo run <path to your program> #builds the executable in /target/debug and runs the program at path given
As a fun aside, we developed a transpiler that converts any code written in brainfuck to it's IITK-Traveller equivalent, proving in the process that it is infact Turing complete. To run the transpiler, simply compile the cpp file and,
./transpiler <path to brainfuck code>
The equivalent IITK_Traveller code will be dumped to new file output.iitktv.