"psuedo" cape for the BeagleBone to display the serial console from the FTDI header on a TFT LCD. The purpose is to be able to view U-Boot bootloader messages from the BeagleBone without having to have a laptop and USB-to-serial cable.
- added header for Adafruit 2.8" TFT LCD ILI9341 [PID 1770]
- Commit: c39be8a
- OSH Park shared project: eaos4FIc
- Date: 2017-08-25
- Bill of Materials
- Digi-key cart
- Digi-key CSV files
- note: more parts are in cart than are needed to build 1 board
- md5sum: d4032f9a1d718b31ddc5a06508fa7b02
- order: HVzmEK87
- rough alpha prototype that is essentially just WickerLib ATMega328 breakout board with 16MHz crystal
- Photos of prototype on Google+
- Commit: 9690673
- OSH Park shared project: CjWyM5EL