This project purpose rapid development of online casual game server using open source code.
This repository is deprecated. Use below Reopositories
- [CGSF Visual Studio 2019 Version] (
- [CGSF2 Visual Studio 2019 Version] (
[Check Trello] (
To build project, we need visual studio 2013
Download Binary
- [CGSF External] (
- Extract VSProject.rar to CGSF/VSProject folder
- Extract ThirdParty.rar to CGSF folder
- [Boost Library 1.55] (
- [Directx 2010 june version] (
Finally, In VSProject Folder
- Open AllProject.sln and Build it
- [ACE Library] (
- [Google Protocol Buffer] (
- [Google Log] (
- [CEGUI] (
- [Google BreakPad] (