This is the repository template used for student repositories in LAPR Projets.
#Java source files
Java source and test files are located in folder src.
Pom.xml file controls the project build.
In this file, DO NOT EDIT the following elements:
- groupID
- artifactID
- version
- properties
Also, students can only add dependencies to the specified section on this file.
The following files are solely used by Eclipse IDE:
- .classpath
- .project
The following folder is solely used by Intellij Idea IDE :
- .idea
.gitignore file was generated based on with the following keywords:
- Java
- Maven
- Eclipse
- NetBeans
- Intellij
In case you have any problem, please email Nuno Bettencourt (
Execute the "test" goals.
$ mvn test
Execute the "javadoc:javadoc" goal.
$ mvn javadoc:javadoc
This generates the source code javadoc in folder "target/site/apidocs/index.html".
Execute the "javadoc:test-javadoc" goal.
$ mvn javadoc:test-javadoc
This generates the test cases javadoc in folder "target/site/testapidocs/index.html".
Execute the "jacoco:report" goal.
$ mvn test jacoco:report
This generates a jacoco code coverage report in folder "target/site/jacoco/index.html".
Execute the "org.pitest:pitest-maven:mutationCoverage" goal.
$ mvn test org.pitest:pitest-maven:mutationCoverage
This generates a PIT Mutation coverage report in folder "target/pit-reports/YYYYMMDDHHMI".
You can combine different maven goals in the same command. For example, to locally run your project just like on jenkins, use:
$ mvn clean test jacoco:report org.pitest:pitest-maven:mutationCoverage
Do not clean build => remove "clean"
Reuse the previous report => add "-Dsonar.pitest.mode=reuseReport"
Use more threads to perform the analysis. The number is dependent on each computer CPU => add "-Dthreads=4"
Temporarily remove timestamps from reports.
mvn test jacoco:report org.pitest:pitest-maven:mutationCoverage -DhistoryInputFile=target/fasterPitMutationTesting-history.txt -DhistoryOutputFile=target/fasterPitMutationTesting-history.txt -Dsonar.pitest.mode=reuseReport -Dthreads=4 -DtimestampedReports=false
If you get the following error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project
bike-sharing: Could not resolve dependencies for project
Failed to collect dependencies at
Failed to read artifact descriptor for
Could not transfer artifact
from/to (
Not authorized , ReasonPhrase:Authorization Required.
-> [Help 1]
Follow these steps:
You do not need to set a proxy.
You can use existing dummy Oracle credentials available at
[Domain Model](wiki/Domain Model/
[Relational Model](wiki/Relational Model/MR.png)
[Use Case Diagram](wiki/Use Case Diagram/
Receive Most Energetically Efficient Route Between Two Parks
[Shortest Route Beetween Parks That Passes Through POIs](wiki/UC182 -Create the shortest route between two parks that goes by certain interest points/
[Load Points of interest](wiki/UC177-Load Points of interest/
[Shortest path between two parks](wiki/UC180 -ShortestPathbetweentwoparks/