Inspired by onedark... leveraging the power of lush.
To have a nice looking theme that handles modern nvim features and plugins such as LSP, treesitter, telescope, nvim-tree... with fewer highlights done in the cofig.
Beware this is a WIP... These colors might change often as I figure out what works best for my daily use.
With that in mind, you're welcome to use it as you please!
This theme is built with Lush, a pretty nice colorscheme generator.
use({ 'pedropmedina/darkside', requires = { 'rktjmp/lush.nvim' } })
You might want to set this somewhere in your config as well
vim.opt.background = 'dark'
vim.g.colors_name = 'darkside'
Since this is bare-bones, there aren't any configurations yet, you need to worry about. Just install and require.
You can reference theme colors by accessing the color palette
local darkside = require('darkside')
local colors = darkside.colors