A lot code here is for example purposes and not fully or correctly implemented(lifespans and middleware for example)
To start your Phoenix server:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create and migrate your database with
mix ecto.setup
- Create and migrate event store with
mix event_store.setup
- Start with
iex -S mix phx.server
Example EventStore Row:
event_id: 453c94a2-250b-45b4-aa90-24d0fd63e734
event_type: Elixir.EsBank.Accounts.Events.AccountOpened
causation_id: cc1751d2-99bb-42a1-a17a-8cf6b8c97fe3
correlation_id: d19438b2-9f0e-4978-b654-0fd59bdca53c
created_at: 2021-08-11 19:00:03.186651-07
C: Teller.InitiateWithdrawl
C: Accounts.ConfirmAuthorization
E: Accounts.AuthorizationConfirmed
E: Teller.WithdrawInitiated
C: Teller.WithdrawMoney
C: Accounts.WithdrawMoney
E: Accounts.MoneyWithdrawn
E: Teller.MoneyWithdrawn
acct = EsBank.Accounts.open_account(%{owner: "Peter", pin: "1234"})
acct = EsBank.Accounts.deposit_money_into_account(%{account_id: acct.id, amount: 50000})
resp = EsBank.Tellers.withdraw_money_from_atm(%{account_id: acct.id, pin: "1234", amount: 10000})
cmd = %EsBank.Tellers.Commands.InitiateWithdrawl{account_id: acct.id, teller_id: EsBank.Tellers.Aggregates.AtmMachine.fixed_id(), amount: 10000, pin: "2468"}
EsBank.Router.dispatch(cmd, [application: EsBank.App, consistency: :strong, execution_result: true])
Call a function
Create a command
Create command struct
Validate command struct
Dispatch command
Middleware if needed
Handle command
Business logic checks
Return event from handler(or multiple/no events, error, etc.)
Internally by Commanded this is written to our event store
Event Handler / Process Manager / Projection
Fetch some data from projection to return to the user, otherwise they'll get :ok
defimpl Commanded.Event.Upcaster, for: AnEvent do
def upcast(%AnEvent{} = event, _metadata) do
%AnEvent{name: name} = event
%AnEvent{event | first_name: name}
defimpl Commanded.Event.Upcaster, for: HistoricalEvent do
def upcast(%HistoricalEvent{} = event, _metadata) do
%HistoricalEvent{id: id, name: name} = event
%NewEvent{id: id, name: name}