Bash functions to help when administering cpanel servers, I found them helpful when doing abuse/security work. Simply source the file and you should be good to go, auto-complete offered in many cases.
Includes several other tools written in PHP and Python for tasks such as CMS password changing, injection removal, server audits, and checking IPs against email blacklistings
- CentOS
- Cpanel
- CSF Firewall (recommended)
- The Silver Surfer (recommended)
To use simple clone repo into a folder. Edit the INSTALLDIR
bash variable at the top of and to reflect this location.
Then just source
. Note if using silver surfer please install it into $INSTALLDIR/ag/
pwnmail [STRING]: Removes email from exim mail queue given string, matches recipient, sender, or ID.
Can remove frozen emails with "frozen" and old emails with the command pwnoldmail
addspf [USER]: adds a 'strong' SPF record (-all) to the given cpanel user name's domains
adddkim [USER]: adds domain keys (or DKIM) to given cpanel user's domain
chkmailabuse: Shows scripts sending out mail, useful for finding malicious files blasting out spam.
check_rbl: command line RBL checker, no argument checks current IPs, -a checks all. Or you can give it a specific IP as an argument. List of rbls is in rblist
switchmailip: provides a list of all server IPs and prompts for which IP to send mail from
rdns_check: does a check to ensure rDNS is properly configured
scramble_emaili [EMAIL ADDRESS]: inserts !!ABUSE!! into the email hash for the address, allows user to reset the email password after a compromise while preventing further spam
train_sa [USER]: Trains SpamAssassin for a given cpanel user, must have user create two email folders: HAM-TRAIN (with 200+ non-spam emails) and SPAM-TRAIN (200+ spam emails).
checkmail: checks exim and prompts if recommended anti-spam settings are not enabled. Checks for SPF checking, Spamhaus RBL, and Spamcop RBL
injectcleaner: Uses the pyclean Python script to remove malicious injections. Given a regex pattern this allows you to visually see what will be matched before you remove it. Can be run without verification using -f and against a list of files with -l
Usage: injectcleaner [options] REGEX FILE
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l, --list-file use a list file
-b, --backup make backup files
-f, --force supress confirmation notice
pwn [FILE]: 'disables' file(s), sets targets to permissions 000 and owner root:root. Can be undone with unpwn
qgrep [-l -s -p] [-c CUSTOM]: (quick)grep, searches for common base64 injections and shells across code files only. Flags are below:
- no arguments defaults to base64 injection search
- -l list files (analagous to grep -l)
- -s shellsearch (searches for list on shells found in shell_patterns file)
- -p ignores files with perm 000
- -c CUSTOM, looks for custom string
qgrep_ag: same as qgrep but uses silver surfer to search
shellscan: searches across public_html folders for all cpanel users looking for shells, places results in
$INSTALLDIR/possible_shells.txt. shellscan_ag
is the ag version.
phishing_scams: greps for common phishing words in all domain names
mitigate_ddos: Uses a python script that automatically temp bans (using CSF) IPs with over 30 connections
secimgdir: modifies (or creates) .htaccess file in current directory to prevent script execution. Useful for folders such as "/images" or "/uploads" which shouldn't be executing anything
sysinfo: Quick glance at CSF settings, exim queue size, external connections and disk quotas for users.
inodebreakdown: If inode restrictions are in place this will give a pretty accurate listing of folders containing the most inodes for abuse notices.
grepuser [USER/DOMAIN]: searches a string in userdomains and cpanel account names
trafficstats [DOMAIN]: given a domain it returns the number of hits in the last 24 hours, autocompletes based on domain names in /etc/httpd/domlogs
lshtaccess: find and prints .htaccess files recursively, useful for finding malicious redirects
chpass [USER]: Generates random password for given user, also runs ftpupdate script to make cpanel happy
cmspass: Automatically find and detect Joomla/WordPress installations and change all admin passwords to random 10 character strings
owner [USER]: finds owner of cpanel account, auto-completes cpanel names
fixperms: recursively sets files to 644 and folders to 755. Leaves cms config files as 600
rmsymlinks: recursively removes symlinks (safely). For use in symlink attacks
www USER: jumps to cpanel user's public_html folder, autocompletes cpanel account names
chkbackup [FILE]: compares FILE with copies in daily, weekly, and monthly backups. Helpful when only a single file needs to be restore, avoids full account backup.
vzsuspend [VEID]: suspends OpenVZ container, can be unsuspended with vzunsuspend
lscpanelsec: lists all commands and arguments for easy reference