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CentOS Packaging Guidelines

Andrew R. Lake edited this page Mar 18, 2015 · 6 revisions

Source Packaging Background

The process of creating a package begins with the creation of a source rpm, which will ultimately be used to produce the target binary package(s) for one or more target architectures, by rebuilding them using Mock. The source rpm contains all of the package information, build instructions, source code archive (if necessary), and optionally any configuration files not included in the source, as well as patches to be applied at various stages of the build process in order to fix known bugs or change the behavior of the package without modifying the source.

The source package should be crafted in a way such that it can be generated and rebuilt reliably and consistently, by specifying all required directives, the relevant build prerequisites and steps, and so that the target binary packages include enough information to be installed and used consistently, by specifying all necessary runtime requirements. Following the processes outlined here will help to ensure these goals are met; further validation will be performed throughout the build process, e.g. when building the initial src.rpm using rpmbuild, during the initial source package rebuild via mock, and during the final rebuild via mock.

Many packages are already available in source format; these are provided either directly by the distribution or specific package vendor. In some cases source and binary packages are also available in third-party repositories; these will not always readily rebuild or install without some modification or sanitization, however, they often provide a good starting point from which to produce a new source package suitable for rebuilding on the target distribution.

Note: the direct use of multiple third-party repositories that weren't intended to be mixed can lead to unexpected and undesirable results. To ensure compatibility, stability, and long-term maintainability, use only repositories provided by or endorsed directly by the distribution vendor (i.e. CentOS and EPEL). When a specific package isn't included in those repositories, either seek out or generate suitable source rpms, and rebuild them against the target distribution. See the EPEL FAQ

Source Packaging Specifics

At a high level, all package details, including version/release, dependency information, build and installation instructions, and changelogs are defined in the .spec file. The general rules and guidelines for creating source rpm packages is covered in the Fedora Packaging Guidelines documentation; though those guidelines are specific to the release process for the Fedora Project, it's worth noting that the same general procedures are followed in RHEL and derivatives, since the same tools and general build procedures are shared by both communities. Using that documentation as a reference when crafting source packages, then, will help avoid a number of common build problems, and will ensure general compatibility with RHEL and derivatives. There are other documents as well that cover a variety of topics related to packaging; see for an overview of related documentation.

Package Naming

The package should be named using a brief, obvious identifier that matches the name of the source package or project; the exception to this rule is for Perl modules, which are typically prefixed with perl-, so for example the perfSONAR_PS-LSCacheDaemon module becomes perl-perfSONAR_PS-LSCacheDaemon. The upstream package guidelines are a good place to start when choosing a package name.

Version And Release Numbering

Package Version and Release numbering should follow the version and release of the source package. The %{release} tag may include other optional tags, including local distribution tag (usually %{dist}, though can be any locally defined value, e.g. %{disttag} or a pre-release identifier). Note that the Release numbers within a given Version will be used to determine how updates are applied; inserting arbitrary tags or adding a pre-release tag in the wrong order may prevent a newer revision from being applied (e.g. the pre-release package-foo.2.1a2-1 will wrongly supersede the release revision package-foo.2.1-1; this should instead be package-foo.2.1-0.1.a1 when pre-release, and package-foo-2.1-1 when released). Following the Version/Release numbering guidelines will ensure avoiding this conflict.

Tagging Packages Using %{disttag}

Packages can be tagged with a local identifier to indicate their origin. In any perfSONAR developed package, this is typically achieved by defining a custom macro %{disttag} in the head of the .spec, and then applying it in the Release tag. Here is an example:

%define relnum 1
%define disttag pSPS

Name:           perl-perfSONAR_PS-Client-API
Version:        3.1
Release:        %{relnum}.%{disttag}
Summary:        perfSONAR_PS Client API

The resulting source package will then be perl-perfSONAR_PS-Client-API-3.1-1.pSPS.src.rpm

Producing A Source Package

The high-level steps to producing a source rpm are:

  • obtain or produce a spec file
  • obtain or assemble code
  • organize the .spec and code into suitable directories
  • build the source rpm (using rpmbuild)

Obtaining Or Producing The Spec File

Using The Existing spec Provided In The Source Repository

For most perfSONAR packages, the spec and source files are stored in git. In this case, the spec should already be complete; it is up to the specific package maintainer to properly increment the version/revision numbers, update the changelog, and make any necessary adjustments to the spec as new versions/revisions are released.

Producing A spec From Scratch

For packages which don't fall under either of the first two categories, it may be necessary to create a spec from scratch. Rather than manually adding all of the necessary commands and formatting, it is recommended to automatically generate a new spec using one of the following techniques. Regardless of which technique is used, further editing of the resulting spec is required before it can be used to generate a source package.

Using rpmdev-newspec

rpmdev-newspec, which is included in the rpmdevtools package, can be used to generate a minimal specfile prototypes for several package types, including perl, python, lib and others. It is most useful when producing packages from third-party software where no source rpm exists. The resulting output will provide a starting point for completing a functional spec, including all required fields; when a package type is specified, standard special variables or build commands will be included. An example with no type specification:

user@host% rpmdev-newspec -m -o mypackage.spec mypackage 
Skeleton specfile (minimal) has been created to "mypackage.spec".

user@host% cat mypackage.spec 
Name:           mypackage
Release:        1%{?dist}

BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)



%setup -q

make %{?_smp_mflags}

rm -rf %{buildroot}
make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}

rm -rf %{buildroot}



Another example which specifies a package type, in this case for a Perl package:

user@host% rpmdev-newspec -m -o perl-MyModule.spec -t perl MyModule     
Skeleton specfile (perl) has been created to "perl-MyModule.spec".
user@host% cat perl-MyModule.spec 
Name:           MyModule
Release:        1%{?dist}

Group:          Development/Libraries
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)

# Correct for lots of packages, other common choices include eg. Module::Build
BuildRequires:  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)
Requires:  perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "`%{__perl} -V:version`"; echo $version))


%setup -q

# Remove OPTIMIZE=... from noarch packages (unneeded)
%{__perl} Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor OPTIMIZE="%{optflags}"
make %{?_smp_mflags}

rm -rf %{buildroot}
make pure_install PERL_INSTALL_ROOT=%{buildroot}
find %{buildroot} -type f -name .packlist -exec rm -f {} ';'
# Remove the next line from noarch packages (unneeded)
find %{buildroot} -type f -name '*.bs' -a -size 0 -exec rm -f {} ';'
find %{buildroot} -depth -type d -exec rmdir {} 2>/dev/null ';'
chmod -R u+w %{buildroot}/*

make test

rm -rf %{buildroot}

# For noarch packages: vendorlib
# For arch-specific packages: vendorarch
%exclude %dir %{perl_vendorarch}/auto/


rpmdev-newspec can be customized with site-specific prefs as well; see /etc/rpmdevtools/spectemplate-*

Using cpanspec

An alternative when building Perl packages for which no source rpm is available is to use cpanspec. One advantage cpanspec provides is the enumeration of BuildRequires and Requires, based on the contents of the module; it also provides much more flexible control over other spec options. The end result may include more specific detail than provided by rpmdev-newspec, though the resulting output will still require some manipulation in order to produce a resulting src.rpm that will rebuild cleanly.

Organizing The Spec And Code

Assuming we have obtained and generated a compressed tar archive of the target code (.tgz), and have produced a .spec and other necessary files (source, patches, etc.), the next step is to prepare these into an appropriate path structure in preparation for assembly using rpmbuild.

Using Non-default Paths For Assembling Source RPMs

Since the source code repository in most cases already contains all of the files necessary for producing a source rpm, it may be preferable to build source rpms directly from that hierarchy, rather than duplicating them elsewhere before assembly.

(!) Note: the rpmbuild command expects to find the source and spec in several default paths; the current default base can be shown by invoking rpm --eval %{_pkgnamedir}. If not specified, the default base path will be /usr/src/redhat/, with all inputs and outputs below that path. If your source is already organized into a path hierarchy and you'd prefer to build source rpms directly, it's possible to override the defaults by using custom settings in ~/.rpmmacros. Say for example our source is organized within some directory hierarchy into %{name}-%{version} subdirectories within the working copy of our source repository, each of which contained our input for source and spec, so that from a single path within the source repository we can run rpmbuild and have our output source rpm always land in the same directory (within ~/rpm_stage/SRPM), we could create the necessary input/output directories (BUILD, RPM, SRPM, tmp) in ~/rpm_stage and specify the following in ~/.rpmmacros:

%_topdir        /home/YOU/rpm_stage
%_svndir        /PATH/TO/SVN_WORKING_DIR

%_pkgnamedir    %{_topdir}
%_rpmtopdir     %{_svndir}/%{name}-%{version}
#%_rpmtopdir    %{_pkgnamedir}
%_sourcedir     %{_rpmtopdir}
%_specdir       %{_rpmtopdir}
%_builddir      %{_topdir}/BUILD
%_rpmdir        %{_topdir}/RPM
%_srcrpmdir     %{_topdir}/SRPM
%_tmppath       %{_topdir}/tmp

If you'll be working with multiple source repositories, it may even be desirable to set %_svndir to %(pwd); this will allow rpmbuild invocations from arbitrary top-level source repository paths. These settings are just an example and by no means the only way to configure your build environment; there are multiple possibilities for customizing your .rpmmacros to make generating and organizing source rpms easier.

Building The Source RPM (Using rpmbuild)

Once you've settled on a working configuration for organizing your spec and sources, and have optionally customized the rpm runtime paths, the next step is to build a source rpm. Note that for the purposes of this documentation, we're assuming that the source rpm is being built on a system on which the package dependencies required for building the target are not necessarily installed; for that reason, it is safe to instruct rpmbuild to skip dependency checking during this step. Also, the underlying architecture of the system is irrelevant at this step; when the resulting source package is rebuilt using Mock, any build-time package dependencies will be resolved, and architecture-specific selection will be used.

Creating the source rpm is as simple as invoking rpmbuild -bs against a target path. As an example, here is the creation of a src.rpm for perl-XML-LibXML, including an invocation showing failed deps; for reference, in this example %_topdir is set to /home/throck/rpm, and %_svndir is set to %(pwd)

throck@psdev% pwd

throck@psdev%% rpmbuild -bs perl-XML-LibXML/perl-XML-LibXML.spec         
error: Failed build dependencies:
	perl-XML-SAX is needed by perl-XML-LibXML-1.70-1.pSPS.i386

throck@psdev%% rpmbuild -bs --nodeps perl-XML-LibXML/perl-XML-LibXML.spec
Wrote: /home/throck/rpm/SRPM/perl-XML-LibXML-1.70-1.pSPS.src.rpm

Here is a second example, where the src.rpm is being built from an entirely different source repository, but the source rpm ends up in the same location as the first:

throck@psdev% pwd

throck@psdev% rpmbuild -bs web100_userland/web100_userland.spec 
error: Failed build dependencies:
	gtk2-devel is needed by web100_userland-1.7-3.el5.i386

throck@psdev% rpmbuild -bs --nodeps web100_userland/web100_userland.spec
Wrote: /home/throck/rpm/SRPM/web100_userland-1.7-3.el5.src.rpm

The resulting source rpms are now ready for submission to Mock. Note that these source rpms are transient and not necessary to keep or share, since at the end of a successful mock build, both source and binary rpms will be produced; the source rpms should be functionally equivalent to the source rpm produced in this step, however, since the versions produced from Mock have been validated and sanitized, those should be the versions that are shared, and if desired, distributed.

Importing Third-Party Source RPMs

As noted above, it may be necessary at times to use a third-party source package as a reference or for direct rebuilding against the target distribution. Once the working paths have been customized in ~/rpmmacros as outlined above, importing the rpm is simply a matter of installing it via rpm. For example, importing the sk98lin driver, directly from ELrepo:

throck@psdev% pwd

throck@psdev% rpm -ivh
warning: /home/throck/rpm/tmp/rpm-xfer.BotrHf: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID baadae52
   1:sk98lin-kmod           warning: user ajb does not exist - using root
warning: group ajb does not exist - using root
warning: user ajb does not exist - using root  2%)
warning: group ajb does not exist - using root
warning: user ajb does not exist - using root  4%)
warning: group ajb does not exist - using root
########################################### [100%]
warning: user ajb does not exist - using root
warning: group ajb does not exist - using root

throck@psdev% svn add sk98lin-kmod
A         sk98lin-kmod
A  (bin)  sk98lin-kmod/sk98lin-
A         sk98lin-kmod/
A         sk98lin-kmod/ELRepo-sk98lin-
A         sk98lin-kmod/sk98lin-kmod.spec

throck@psdev% svn ci sk98lin-mod -m "import of sk98lin driver from"
Adding         sk98lin-kmod-
Adding         sk98lin-kmod-
Adding         sk98lin-kmod-
Adding  (bin)  sk98lin-kmod-
Adding         sk98lin-kmod-
Transmitting file data ....
Committed revision 12345.

When importing third-party source rpms, be sure to commit the original, unmodified source rpm contents, and note the original source location in the commit log.

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