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Meeting Notes 2016

Andrew R. Lake edited this page Dec 15, 2016 · 42 revisions

December 15, 2016 Conference Call 4:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EST/8:00AM PST/5:00PM CET

  • Attendees: Andy, Antoine, Ivan, Scott H., Luke, Dan, Michael, Valentin, Brian, Marcos, Hakan, Mark, Shawn
  • Apologies: Matt, Szymon

Agenda Topics

  • Dashboard Walkthrough
  • 4.0 Project Planning
  • Test plan
    • Jetstream (Luke)
    • Define large test meshes (Luke)
    • Update toolkit testing checklist (Szymon)
    • Define “parameter space” to test for each testing tool (Andy)
    • Small-node test plan (Scott C., Dan)
    • Create plan for performance evaluation (Dan)
  • Graph Walkthrough


  • Dashboard Walkthrough
  • 4.0 Project Planning
  • Test plan
    • Jetstream (Luke)
      • Pretty easily get 50,000 CPU hours. Luke will but in request,
      • Can create L2 domains and plenty of public IPs
    • Define large test meshes (Luke)
      • Will start on doc soon
    • Update toolkit testing checklist (Szymon)
      • Created a google doc, hopefully done Mon or Tuesday
      • Action: Brian will create google folder
    • Define “parameter space” to test for each testing tool (Andy)
    • Small-node test plan (Scott C., Dan)
      • Dan and scott working on this
    • Create plan for performance evaluation (Dan)
  • Graph Walkthrough
    • Michael will look at agnet paremetr for duplicate meshes
    • Tooltips seem a bit overloaded
    • Working on adding more metrics

December 8, 2016 Conference Call 4:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EST/8:00AM PST/5:00PM CET

  • Attendees: Dan, Luke, Hakkan, Valentin, Syzmon, Ivan, Scott Harris, Scott Chevalier, John Simpki, Mark, Brian
  • Apologies: Andy, Michael

Agenda Topics

  • Dashboard Walkthrough
    • Things still improving
    • Known issues - umich host not on nightly, pd0 being left behind to test archival fall behind, ps-deb-2 known issues with debian 8 being worked through
  • 4.0 Project Planning
  • Graph Walkthrough
    • Michael not present, did one on Tuesday showcasing packet loss, will be doing another next week
  • Luke's test plan draft
    • High level idea document for outlining the exact things that need to be tested for 4.0 release readiness
    • Luke to send something out for a meeting in next few days, leads to pick person from organization to meet and work on fleshing out details
  • Attendance for face to face
    • Brian sent out doc with known people attending
    • maybe: Soichi and one other from GÉANT

December 1, 2016 Conference Call 4:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EST/8:00AM PST/5:00PM CET

  • Attendees: Andy, Matt, Ivan, Antoine, Valentin, John S., Brian, Marcos, Luke, Hakan, Dan, Mark
  • Apologies:

Agenda Topics


  • Dashboard Walkthrough
    • OWAMP looking better, number of performance fixes this week
    • Now focusing on throughput meshes
    • Action: Andy will start google doc where we can capture what vectors we need to cover for testbed nodes
  • 4.0 Project Planning
    • MeshConfig GUI
      • Soichi starting soon, Andy exchanged some emails and created some issues last week
    • Debian 8
      • Jenkins issues, now resolved
      • Continuing to test builds
    • Docs
      • Szymon pushed more updates this week
  • GEANT issues
    • GEANT wants issues #33, #159 and #165 of pscheduler fixed. All related to control traffic selecting an interface

November 17, 2016 Conference Call 4:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EST/8:00AM PST/5:00PM CET

  • Attendees: Scott H, Scott C, Valentin, Matt Z, Andy, Ivan, Antoine, Luke, Dan, Brian, Mark
  • Apologies: Szymon

Agenda Topics


  • Dashboard review
    • Lots of fixes the past week, grid has been all over the map. OWAMP finally looking OK this morning, let's see if it lasts
    • Should probably communicate with users schedule shortly after thanksgiving
    • We want rc3 release ready
  • Smartsheet
    • MeshConfigGUI
      • Soichi approved, wants to meet soon
    • Debian 8
      • Working on building new packages
    • Misc Issues
      • lots of little stuff fixed, more to do
    • Docs
      • Szymon made some updates

November 3, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Mark, Brian, Shawn, Luke, Dan, Michael, Scott H, Scott C, Matt, Eric, Valentine
  • Apologies: Sowmya, Antoine

Agenda Topics


  • 4.0 Project Planning
    • MeshConfig GUI
      • Leads will discuss
    • Charts
      • Need to figure out how to display retransmits
      • Will look at in detail at end of call
    • Debian 8
      • Valentine working on rebuilding packages
    • Endpoint selection
      • Scott working on documentation
    • pScheduler
      • Finishing up infinite limits
      • Need to address some known issues
      • Eric will check on 3.5 to 4.0 issues
    • MeshConfig
      • Andy fixing last couple bugs
      • Fixed a few things Shawn found this morning
  • Chart discussion
    • Look at how to display more host details? Not clear exactly what details we want to show. Graphs could do it directly or could try to link to services directory.
    • Units on packet loss not clear.
    • Need to think about how to label different types of loss

October 20, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Scott H, Eric, Ivan, Mark, Luke, Dan, Michael, Hakan, Szymon, Jorge, Antoine
  • Apologies:

Agenda Topics


  • RC status
    • Still planning to do something for 10/31
    • Mark is working on default limits feature, everything else basically bug fixes
    • Will remind people of release scheduler when we do rc2 announcement
  • 4.0 Project Planning
    • Updates mostly captured in discussion above

October 13, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Andy, Matt, Ivan, Hakan, Scott H, Eric, Scott C, Luke, Michael, Dan, Antoine, Valentin
  • Apologies: Brian

Agenda Topics


  • RC status
    • Top priority is getting things stable. Right now they aren't as stable as we'd like them but a slew of changes coming in that could fix that.
    • Likely final will not be out by pre-SC, more likely end of November early december but we need to see how next few weeks go
  • 4.0 Project Planning
    • MeshConfig GUI
      • Andy exchanging emails with Shawn and Soichi today about when Soichi can start. Looks like there is a good chance we can get something.
    • Charts
      • Moved around dates, picking back up on it now
    • Debian
      • In touch with Debian repo developer about getting a few of the basic packages into the main repo
    • pScheduler
      • Mostly bug fixes, focusing on stabilizing
    • MeshConfig
      • Andy focusing on this and gettings tuff to point where we are happy with it
    • Docs
      • Szymon making lots of progress on docs

September 15, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Andy, Scott C, Scott H, Valentin, Ivan, Mark, Hakan, Rade, Brian, Szymon, Antoine, Michael, Dan
  • Apologies:

Agenda Topics


  • RC1 status
    • Discussed recent emails of people pointing at staging being surprised by update. Agreed they shouldn't be and that if anything this only affects a handful of hosts.
    • 30 hosts in lookup service running 4.0

    • Seems to be going quite well, cleaning-up a few packaging issues
    • Shooting for next thursday
    • Debian will hopefully be ready by then
    • Andy working on isos, ran into a few packaging issues
  • 4.0 Project Planning
    • Ran through items, not much discussed beyond what was in rc1 status
    • Will need to evaluate RC2 tasks that we know and as they come in to make sure we are still on track

September 1, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Andy, Szymon, Valentin, Mark, Brian, Ivan, Antoine, Eric, Dan, Michael, Luke
  • Apologies:

Agenda Topics


  • 4.0 Project Planning
    • MeshConfig
      • Andy needs to look at effort
    • Graphs
      • Hit a few snags, Michael thinks he has some ideas to get around it
    • CentOS 7
      • need to update mesh
    • pScheduler
      • Fixing bugs
    • meshConfig
    • working with pscheduler
    • also takesover local tasks for things like GUI and manual tests
    • Incidentally Toolkit GUI now working with pScheduler
  • RC1 status
    • In good shape, andy will likely push RPMs to staging next week so testbed hosts can start testing

August 25, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Brian, Valentin, Mark, Andy, Soraya, Luke, Michael, Dan, Antoine
  • Apologies: Hakan

Agenda Topics


  • 4.0 Project Planning
    • MeshConfig GUI
      • Andy still needs to review this
    • Charts
      • Charts on track, hopefully have something to show next week
    • Toolkit
      • NIC counters on dashboard
      • Add new metadata to GUI
    • CentOS 7
      • perl-shared needs a merge
    • Debian 8
      • New version of ls-registration-daemon
    • ELK
      • Dan just got back from vacation
    • pScheduler
      • Background stuff working
      • Have powstream dashboard
    • MeshConfig
      • Working on pscheduler support
    • Misc Issues
      • LS now picks-up changes without restart
  • RC1 status
    • On track
    • Would like to have all major changes committed by two weeks from tomorrow

August 18, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Andy, Brian, Mark, Marcos, Sowmya, Antoine, Szymon, Eric
  • Apologies:

Agenda Topics


Lots of people on vacation so have sections where lead attended and had updates

  • 4.0 Project Planning
    • Auto Test Configuration
      • Need to figure our short-term and long-term support model
      • Action: Andy will take a closer look at code and see what it takes to update what we need
    • LS Search optimization
      • Working on cache deployment and clean-up in subscriber
    • MaDDash
      • A few minor tasks, more or less good to go
    • pScheduler
      • powstream just about working. mark handed-over to andy Tuesday, should be committed today
    • MeshConfig
      • Andy started on pscheduler work right before starting on powstream. Will swap back in after powstream done


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August 11, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Luke, Michael, Andy, Shawn, Hakan, Mark, Soraya, Antoine, Sowmya
  • Apologies: Szymon, Brian, Dan

Agenda Topics


  • 4.0 Project Planning
    • MeshConfig GUI
      • Shawn has been testing
      • Action: Andy will bring up support situation with Brian for future leads call
    • Charts
      • Still on track
    • LS
      • Working on clean-up threads, work progressing
    • MaDDash
      • Lots of good feedback, just a few tweaks and docs left
    • pScheduler
      • Mark working on powstream
      • Works out of nightly now but does not do regular testing
      • Andy working on meshconfig, Mark working on changes for powstream, so on track for getting regular testing in the mix
    • MeshConfig
      • andy working on prep for pScheduler
      • Shawn asked good questions about how meshconfig will handle custom props and setting MAs
    • Misc Issues
      • andy bumping priority of ls reg getting changes without restart
    • Docs
      • pscheduler user guide on wiki
  • RC1 status
    • Summary of above, marching toward regular testing support in pScheduler.
  • Presentation at DEFCON
    • Recap of what was discussed on mailing list mostly

August 4, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Andy, Szymon, Dan, Michael, Jorge, Mark, Eric, Hakan, Antoine, Sowmya
  • Apologies:

Agenda Topics


  • 4.0 Project Planning
    • Charts
      • On track for having something working soon
    • CentOS 7
      • Seems to be working, Andy been testing. Valentin on vacation.
    • LS Search
      • Sowmya back from travel, fixings ome stuff up
    • MaDDash
      • testing going really well. A few visual tweaks based on feedback and doc updates
    • pScheduler
      • Runs on toolkits now. CentOS 6 in Internet2-repo-nightly, can do yum update or yum install. CentOS 7 works, but currently RPMs in repo don't because Jenkins did something funny with them.
      • Bundles should all work by end of day.
      • Archiving to esmond works
      • Error messaging re-worked
      • Docker image
      • Working on install docs
  • RC1 status
    • Have pScheduler working on toolkits. CentOS 7 seems to be working. Regular testing and getting charts are next big things
  • Pundit archiver meeting
    • Mark and pundit team met earlier in week. Result was very positive, went well. Jorge confirms.

July 28, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Andy, Mark, Ivan, Scott, Dan, Michael, Brian, Valentin, Hakan, Antoine, Luke
  • Apologies:

Agenda Topics


  • 4.0 Project Planning
    • Build System
    • Metadata
      • Action: Verify there is a gui issue
      • Action: Move to future
      • Action: Verify there is a json vs ls sync issue
    • Auto Test Config
      • Action: Needs to get ahold of Soichi
    • Charts
      • Wondering what status of cache is
      • Action: Double check CORS pull request
    • Toolkit
      • Closed a few issues, Michael needs to check on OWAMP list
    • CentOS 7
      • All packages built, want to push a few into staging
    • MaDDash
      • Fixed a few more bugs, waiting to hear on colors
    • pScheduler
      • Initial docker container setup, people can experiment

July 21, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Andy, Shawn, Valentin, Hakan, Mark, Ivan, Antoine, Dan, Michael, Eric, Brian
  • Apologies: Szymon

Agenda Topics


  • 4.0 Project Planning
    • Node metadata
      • Action: Andy needs to verify with Brian if anything left to do
    • Charts
      • Closed a few issues, moviing forward
    • CentOS 7
      • Action: Valentin will send around ISOs
      • Action: Dan will get CentOS 7 VM
    • LS Search Optimization
      • Sowmya closed issues, added some detail to a few more
    • MaDDash 2.0
      • In testing phase, Andy has give to a handful of people
      • Will do wider RC next week assuming all goes well
    • pScheduler
      • Did first interdomain test
      • Limits are ready, rething one aspect potentially
      • Dan working on throughput test
      • Andy cleaning-up latency
    • Documentation
      • Andy added documentation task, please review
  • Esmond and CORS discussion (added by Michael)
  • Action: Michael will submit a pull request with change to Apache config

July 7, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Andy, Dan, Michael, Antoine, Kingsley, Hakan, Dan, Michael, Mark, Valentin
  • Apologies: Sowmya, Brian, Luke

Agenda Topics


  • 4.0 Project Planning
    • Build System
      • Dates have been updated
    • Additional node Metadata
      • Need to review what if anything needs to be done
    • Charts
      • Pushed back dates, been dealing with React issues
    • Auto Test Config
      • Action: Andy to reach out to Soichi
    • Toolkit
      • Lisa working on test listing
    • CentOS 7
      • Valentin has working migration scripts and documented on wiki
    • Debian 8
      • Dates updated
    • ELK
      • No updates
    • Endpoint Selection
      • No updates
    • Extras
      • Andy needs to finish this
    • LS Search optimization
      • See sowmya email. New LS version next week with configurable memory settings.
    • MaDDash
      • Andy implemented selectable colors in webui. Also changed default colors to more color-blind friendly versions
    • pScheduler
      • Early stages with Debian
      • Met with pundit guys
      • Finishing up limits
  • Security updates
    • Issues reported
    • Antoine and Andy got patches and packages built this morning
    • Andy will work with Antoine and Luke to get message out today
  • Preparing for 4.0 upgrade
    • MA will be backward compatible

June 30, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Andy, Hakan, Mark, Valentin, Ivan, Brian, Szymon, Eric, Antoine, Luke, Dan, Michael
  • Apologies:

Agenda Topics

  • 4.0 Project Planning
  • LS stability
    • Impact of LS stability on nodes visibility in ServiceDirectory
    • Possible actions to improve
    • ps-west
  • Java 8 for Debian and Ubuntu
    • Needed for MaDDash 2.0?
    • Not available in official Debian and Ubuntu repos.


  • 4.0 Project Planning
    • Build System
    • No updates, won't block release
    • Metadata
    • Action: Brian and Andy will review what is left to be done
    • Auto Test Configuration
    • No updates
    • Charts
    • Visual design mostly done
    • Working through library issues
    • Toolkit
    • No updates
    • CentOS 7
    • migration scripts working
    • action: andy needs to merge to get to 100%
    • Debian 8
      • 3.5.1 can probably move to final
    • ELK
      • No updates
    • Endpoint Selection
      • No updates
    • Extras
      • Action: Decided to do that. Andy will carve
    • LS Search Optimization
      • Working on subscribe stuff more
    • MaDDash
      • Adding some features based on feedback. Main one right now is native email notifications
      • Acion: Andy and Michael will coordinate on a new default color pallete
      • Action: Andy will hand to Jeff Hagley to test as well
    • pScheduler
      • Limits wrapping-up
    • MeshConfig
      • No updates
    • Issues
      • No updates
    • LS stability
      • ps-east had memory issue, that was fixed
      • Action: Sowmya to take GEANT LS out of bootstrap until updated
      • Action: Sowmya to request DNS redirect of ps-west to ps-east temporarily and remove ps-west from bootstrap for weekend
    • Java 8 for Debian and Ubuntu
      • Action: Andy to explore 1.7, if too hard fallback to one of Antoine's suggestions

June 23, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Andy, Ivan, Szymon, Hakan, Luke, Dan, Michael, Antoine
  • Apologies: Valentin, Brian,

Agenda Topics

  • 4.0 Project Planning
  • MaDDash 2.0 Preview (Andy)


  • 4.0 Project Planning
    • Build System
    • No updates, Antoine on travel this past week
    • Metadata
    • No updates
    • Auto Test Configuration
    • No updates
    • Charts
    • Going well, updatingt o new chart library
    • Figured out a way to plot failure on correct test type
    • Rest of it should fall in place, but date may not be 7/12
    • Toolkit
    • Lisa working on test result listing
    • CentOS 7
    • No updates
    • Debian 8
      • No updates
    • ELK
      • Started on proof of concept, may have something to show next week
    • Endpoint Selection
      • No updates
    • Extras
      • No updates
    • LS Search Optimization
      • Sowmya tackling subscribe issues next week
    • MaDDash
      • See demo, UI integration done
    • pScheduler
      • Mark working on limits
    • MeshConfig
      • No updates
    • Issues
      • No updaes
  • MaDDash 2.0 Preview (Andy)
    • Show new interface
    • Suggestion on limiting who can see certain solutions
    • Suggestion on looking at analyzing patterns across multiple dashboards
    • Confirmed no new discussion since February and will make sure it is on project managers plate for future release

June 16, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Andy, Hakan, Mark, Ivan, Eric, Scott, Luke, Michael, Dan, Valentin
  • Apologies: Szymon, Sowmya

Agenda Topics

  • 4.0 Project Planning
  • I2 Lookup Service Update (Mark)
  • pScheduler Limits follow-up (Mark)
  • Additional pScheduler test ideas (Mark)


  • 4.0 Project Planning
    • Build System
    • No updates
    • CentOS 7 host in test bed
    • Metadata
    • No updates
    • Auto Test Configuration
    • Debian packaging remaining, people starting to test
    • Charts
    • Ne ESnet chart library coming out
    • Working on pulling data on the client side
    • May need to adjust schedule
    • Toolkit
    • Lisa been working on advanced tab
    • CentOS 7
    • Added pull requests on ISO
    • Debian 8
      • No updates
    • ELK
      • No updates
    • Endpoint Selection
      • No updates
    • Extras
      • No updates
    • LS Search Optimization
      • New LS version out
    • MaDDash
      • A bunch of progress on this front. Generalized rules, have config file, integrated with meshconfig
      • Add a few small UI updates to utilize this is next task
      • Also will do a 1.5 release with features done for I2
    • pScheduler
      • Mostly working on implementing limits
    • MeshConfig
      • No updates
    • Issues
      • No updates
  • I2 Lookup Service Update (Mark)
    • Progressing
  • pScheduler Limits follow-up (Mark)
    • A few syntax updates
  • Additional pScheduler test ideas (Mark)
    • NTP tool? if mark has time

June 9, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Andy, Hakan, Ivan, Brian, Mark, Sowmya, Shawn, Rade, Valentin, Luke, Dan, Michael
  • Apologies: Szymon

Agenda Topics


  • 4.0 Project Planning
    • Build System
      • No update
    • Metadata
      • No update
    • Auto Test Config
      • MeshConfig GUI, want to deploy on OSG. Shawn working on that.
    • Charts
      • Visual design mostly done
      • New react lib coming that will help
    • Toolkit
      • New Update
    • CentOS 7
      • Working on NetInstall ISOs. Need to update repo path.
    • Debian 8
      • No updates
    • ELK
      • Doing same thing on another project, so some synergies
    • Endpoint Selection
      • No updates
    • Extras
      • Action: Leads to discuss
    • LS Search Optimization
      • Getting back up to speed from vacation
      • Will push out LS update today and let people to know when to update
    • MaDDash 2.0
      • Andy met with gabriele, updated smartsheet withs ome more specific tasks
    • pScheduler
      • Working on paris-traceroute, need a different test likely since output is vastly different
      • Working on some CentOS 7 issues
  • iperf3 follow-up
    • Announcement went out yesterday
    • I2, GEANT and ESnet have all updated to patched version
  • pScheduler
    • Discussed what we want to do about machines way offset. Decided that a second or two will be tolerated but for now not much more than that
    • Discussed automatically removing tests that fail too often. Decided not to do this.
    • Limits shown

June 2, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Scott, Dan, Michael, Andy, Hakan, Mark, Ivan, Brian
  • Apologies: Szymon, Luke

Agenda Topics


  • 4.0 Project Planning
    • Build System
      • Github auth working for jenkins
  • MeshConfigGUI
    • A few interested testers
    • Need to touchbase on mod_wsgi
  • Charts
    • Progresisng
  • Kernel
    • Ran into some issue with latest kernel, but finishing
  • CentOS 7
    • Pull request for toolkit package
  • ELK
    • Dan doing some ELK for anoteh rproject, some synergy there
  • LS
    • Andy and Sowmya debugging duplicate host issue. Pushed out some small fixes as a result. Looks like progress
  • pScheduler
    • Working on Ping tool.
  • Mesh Config
    • Andy working on some updates
    • Hakan uploaded first version of stats tool

May 26 , 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST


  • Build System

    • a bit behind schedule on debian repository
    • not much progress on unit testing
  • Additional Node metadata

    • most low hanging fruit has been dealt with
    • lots blocked on VM task
    • several things dropped from original scope
  • Automatic Test Configuration

    • mesh config gui doesn't play well with esmond on the same machine on EL6, Soichi working on it
  • Graphs

    • moving a bit slowly, running into limitations on graphs and working with esnet devs to add desired features
    • design work finished
  • Toolkit

    • ability to select tools, a few more options shown up
  • CentOS7

    • pull request pending for review of htpasswd file instead of shadow auth
    • need to update documentation for how to manage accounts in new style
    • talk about incorporating user management into the webui
  • Debian8

    • not much to report here
  • ELK

    • not much to report here
  • Extras Framework

    • hasn't started yet
  • LS Search Optimization

    • going more slowly than expected
    • issue with duplicate records, meeting later to try and figure that out
    • fixed bug with timestamps not updating
    • I2 considering standing up some LS mirrors, not finalized yet
  • pScheduler

    • time spent on limits
    • plan to knock out round trip time
    • question about support for pre-emption support, might be difficult but desired
  • Mesh Config Enhancements

    • no updates
  • Jenkins Build Authentication

    • Dan and Antoine to work on moving perfsonar-dev3 auth from apache basic to github based
  • New Kernel

    • Michael working on building new kernel, not applying cleaning but working through them. So far not too bad.

May 19, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Andy, Scott, Hakan, Mark, Jorge, Sowmya, Antoine, Luke, Michael
  • Apologies: Brian, Dan, Eric

Agenda Topics


  • 4.0 Project Planning
  • Auto test configuration * Brian has a few people that want to test
  • Charts * Michael working on getting base infrastructure in place
  • CentOS 7 * Valentin starting on toolkit, has some initial pull requests submitted
  • Debian 8 * Antoine working on ARM64 build
  • Endpoint selection * Andy committed initial code to github in the pslocate repo
  • LS search optimization * Updated ps-east and ps-west to test fixes for issues with renews * Tweaking prune threshold and DB cleanup as well * Will look at adding more hosts to elasticsearch cache after that is cleared-up
  • pScheduler * Started on limits prototype. Will show next week.
  • Meshconfig enhancements * Hakan working on stats
  • Jenkins and GitHub proposal
  • Antoine suggested we explore using GitHub accounts to manage jenkins authorization. The private cert was the hold-up before but that has been addressed.
  • Group thought at high-level it sounded good, but need Dan to hammer out details

May 5, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Andy, Mark, Antoine, Scott, Marcos, Jorge, Shawn, Sowmya, Dan, Michael, Luke, Valentin
  • Apologies: Brian, Ivan

Agenda Topics


  • 3.6 Project Planning
    • Build system
    • EL7 builds repo now setup by Andy, Dan transitioning packages to that
    • Dan worked/working through a few issues with Valentin, Andy and Antoine
    • Metadata
    • New LS reg daemon grabbing dmidecode info
    • Charts
    • Talking to ESnet guys on a few missing features
    • Usability person done
    • Web designer started
    • Toolkit
    • Subproject added to smartsheet
    • CentOS 7
    • A good chuck of packages done, will do pull request to merge into master
    • Some Jenkins build issues but esmond builds locally
    • MaDDash next
    • Endpoint selection
    • Prep for next week
    • LS optimization and privacy
    • not much to update, will resume next week
    • pScheduler
    • Traceroute working, working on paris-traceroute today

April 28, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Andy, Luke, Dan, Michael, Brian, John H, Ivan, Mark, Hakan, Valentin, Scott, Shawn, Jorge, Valentin, Szymon
  • Apologies:

Agenda Topics


  • 3.6 Project Planning
    • Build System
      • No update
    • Node metadata
    • Updated ls to grab dmidecode info
    • Automatic test config
    • Dan and andy been playing with GUI. Dan more to update next week.
    • Charts
    • Messing with dependencies, trying to get past Node.js learning curve
    • Action: Move toolkit issues to own heading
    • Andy disconnected so missed the rest
  • CentOS 7 testpoint support
    • tools we can do early, but should probably wait on testpoint so we don't have to support regular-testing

April 21, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Andy, Ivan, Eric, Mark, Scott, Brian, Valentin, Rade, Pete Robinson, Jorge, Soraya, Hakan, Luke, Michael, Dan, Sowmya, Kingsley, Antoine
  • Apologies: Szymon

Agenda Topics


  • 3.6 Project Planning
    • Note: Next week Kingsley wills tart doing the smartsheet for Soraya
    • Build system
      • Some movement on unit tests
    • Node metadata
      • Will update at May meeting
    • Charts
      • Michael meeting with usability person today.
      • Playing around with react stuff, found some issues and working with ESnet guys to resolve
      • Michael will review graphs issues and will try to add dates. Some will be handled by the react stuff. Could make subtasks of react stuff
    • CentOS 7
      • has many of packages built, few outstanding issue on list
    • Debian 8
      • Talking to official Debian repo manager
    • Endpoint selection
      • Starting on traceroute analysis design
      • Scott will update bootstrap dates
    • Extras framework
      • Will revisit after May meeting
    • LS search optimization
      • Elastic search instance deployed on ESnet
    • MaDDash 2.0
      • Andy needs o get in touch with Gabrielle
    • MD-VPN
      • Moving auto-test configuration to future release section
    • pScheduler
      • CLI working now
      • trace and owping tools progressing
  • Review agenda for May meeting
    • See google doc
  • pScheduler command-line
    • Mark presented slides

April 14, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Andy, Ivan, Jorge, Mark, Dan, Michael, Valentin, Antoine, Sowmya, Kinsley Dougherty
  • Apologies: Szymon, Brian

Agenda Topics


  • 3.6 Project Planning
    • Build system
    • Michael doing some unit test stuff with mock, will share with Sowmya
    • MeshConfig GUI
    • Working with Dan on testing
    • Valentin will help with Debian packages
    • Charts
    • Working with usability and web designer person
    • CentOS 7
    • Got testpoint packages built, some small issues
    • Tried esmond, has a few issues
    • Not using Jenkins yet
    • Debian 8
    • Decided to put tools in Debian repo. Antoine is leading that effort.
    • Endpoint Selection
    • Andy starting next week on traceroute work
    • LS Search Optimization
    • Test elastic instance will be up today
    • pScheduler
    • Did some refactoring
    • Cleaning up CLI
    • Mesh Config enhancements
    • Will likely close IPv6 issue
    • Hakan starting on stats script
    • Other Issues
    • Please add your dates if name next to issue
  • Agenda Bash for May Dev Meeting
    • Nobody had items to add, but everyone should add questions in comments that they wish to see answered. Do this by end of day Friday.
    • Monday Andy and Brian will look at agenda and try to assign timeslots. We can review next week.
    • Decided to add pScheduler day to talk about stuff
  • pScheduler Limits (Mark)
    • See Mark's slides

March 31, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/4:00PM CET

  • Attendees: Andy, Mark, Hakan, Ivan, Antoine, Eric, Brian, Jorge, Sowmya, Luke, Dan, Michael, Valentin, Szymon
  • Apologies:

Agenda Topics


  • 3.6 Project Planning
    • Build system
      • Unit tests added for toolkit by Michael
      • Action: Andy come up with some low hanging fruit nagios test
    • Additional Node Metadata
      • Had first meeting, progressing
    • Charts
      • Michael fixed XSS bug, testing display issue. Should be ready for RPM soon.
    • CentOS 7
      • Valentin starting
    • Debian 8
      • Some package clean-up
    • LS Search optimization
      • Publisher working, doing subscriber now
    • pScheduler
      • Mark has traceroute mostly working, Andy has owping mostly working
    • MeshConfig
      • Hakan started looking at issues
    • Exploratory: VMs
      • Agreed we will not do VM images right now
    • Exploratory: endpointSelection
      • Ivan sent email, is finished. Will copy to google doc and put in folder.
  • May developer meeting
    • Action: Andy to start google document with agenda

March 24, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/4:00PM CET

  • Attendees: Shawn, Mark, Andy, Ivan, Brian, Valentin, Soichi, Dan, Michael. Soichi, Hakan,
  • Apologies: Antoine

Agenda Topics

  • 3.6 Project Planning
  • Recap of 3.5.1 issues
  • pScheduler Update


  • 3.6 Project Planning
    • Additional node metadata
      • Meeting today after call
    • MeshConfig GUI
      • Up for testing. RPM for 6 and 7 ready
      • Need to talk to Antoine for Debian
      • Dan plans to throw on testbed
      • Initially relying on the LS, but within WLCG some people don't publish for policy reasons
    • Charts
      • Mostly been working on XSS vulnerability for 3.5.1
      • Familiarizing with react
    • LS Search Optiomization
      • Sowmya working on getting elastic working
    • MDVPN Monitoring
      • Waiting on some pScheduler info
    • pScheduler
      • Cleaning some stuff upa nd starting tool implementations
    • MeshConfig enhancements
      • Action: Create some issues for adding multiple mas and custom options for meshconfig
  • Recap of 3.5.1 issues
  • Debian updae issue Antoine sent around. Relatively low impact.
  • lsregistraion issue that was pretty high impact
  • sysctl issue thatw as medium impact.
  • Action: Dan is going to work on getting a nagios instance running and Andy will help come up with some checks
  • Action: Other integration
  • pScheduler Update
  • Looking at limits

March 17, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees:Andy, Ivan, Luke, Dan, Michael, Mark, Ivan, Scott, Valentin
  • Apologies: Antoine

Agenda Topics


  • 3.6 Project Planning
    • Additional Node Metadata
      • Meeting next week
    • Charts
      • Michael started reviewing charts
    • Endpoint selection
      • Ivan will send some of exploratory task around
    • LS Search optimization
      • Sowmya has started on that
    • pScheduler
      • Continues to move forward
  • Graph security fixes
    • Action: Michael will fix these and we will do a new graphs package in a few days
  • Toolkit hostname display issue
    • Action: Create issue about creating .example or .default files so developers don't edit them
    • Action: Make sure noreplace is working the way we think it is and dropping the file back in place

March 10, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Shawn, Brian, Mark, Sowmya, Ivan, Dan, Luke, Soichi
  • Apologies: Andy, Antoine, Szymon, Hakan, Rade (Geant Symposium), Michael

Agenda Topics

  • 3.6 Project Planning

  • 3.5.1 release feedback

    • Not enough clear warning about big changes like FHS moving or synchronized updates
    • Issues with IP auth based central MAs not working, patch pushed out shortly to address in
    • Possible issues with auto updates to on Debian, still being investigated

March 3, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Andy, Hakan, Mark, Szymon, Ivan, Trupti, Brian, Sowmya, Scott
  • Apologies: Antoine, Luke

Agenda Topics


  • 3.5.1 and 3.6 Project Planning
    • GUI docs should be ready later today
    • We will release 3.5.1 today
  • What next?
    • Everyone knows there tasks
    • May rename 3.6 to 4.0

February 25, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Andy, Dan, Michael, Luke, Mark, Antoine, Ivan, Shawn, Valentin, Scott, Sxymon, Sowmya, Brian, Joe B., Trupti
  • Apologies:

Agenda Topics


  • 3.5.1 and 3.6 Project Planning
    • New GUI
      • Andy and Michael are working on fixing caching
      • Szymon and Michael will coordinate on docs
    • Testbed
      • Dan looking at Debian upgrade issue
    • Debian
      • All is ready to go, just testing as part of rc
    • LS
      • Sowmya testing some LS changes on ESnet
    • Open Issues
      • Only two issues left, both opened yesterday. Andy and Michael are looking, should be fixed in next couple days
  • 3.5.1 status
  • A couple smaller issues
  • Action: Will make the final decision next thursday
  • There is a patch for OWAMP that needs to be evaluated
  • Does nto necessarily need to be in OWAMP, but may be path of least resistance
  • Currently no open source TWAMP tools, but lots of vendors have TWAMP implemented (just not open clients)
  • Action: Mark will review TWAMP patch
  • Action: Leads will evaluate cost of various options
  • pScheduler Update
  • Mark gave overview of pScheduler

February 18, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Andy, Dan, Michael, Brian, Eric, Antoine, Ivan, Shawn, Szymon, Valentin, Scott, Sowmya, Mark, Rade, Hakan
  • Apologies:

Agenda Topics

  • 3.5.1 and 3.6 Project Planning
  • 3.5.1 status
    • Do we include ls-registration-daemon in the central-management bundle?
    • De we release a new version of i2utils?
    • Do we package mesh-config-agent perfSONAR_PS::MeshConfig module as a libperfsonar-meshconfig-perl library?
  • MeshConfig Future


  • 3.5.1 and 3.6 Project Planning
  • 3.5.1 status
    • Do we include ls-registration-daemon in the central-management bundle?
    • Yes. Andy will add for redhat, Antoine for Debian
    • De we release a new version of i2utils?
    • Yes
    • Do we package mesh-config-agent perfSONAR_PS::MeshConfig module as a libperfsonar-meshconfig-perl library?
    • Not for now
  • MeshConfig Future
    • Discussed some options for adding private LSes, central MAs, and custom options for new tools
    • Action: Andy will create some issues and get them added into the 3.6 smartsheet

February 11, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Andy, Rade, Scott, Mark, Brian, Ivan, Antoine, Valentin, Szymon, Sowmya, Hakan
  • Apologies:

Agenda Topics


  • 3.5.1 and 3.6 Project Planning
    • GUI
    • Need a few more days to work up some issues,probably can be done during RC
    • Packaging
    • Mostly done, Andy will start pushing stuff to the stagingrepo
    • Debian
    • Going through redhat changes and merging
    • OPPD
    • Esmond working, packages built
    • Open issues
    • Michael lookinga t GUI issue and Andy looking as db cleaner issue, both non-blocking
  • 3.5.1 testing and RC schedule
    • Andy to push to staging repo today, will also send out new ISOs
  • Ames workshop
  • Talking about measurement
  • Lots of interest in integrating tools (pScheduler)
  • Interest in traceroute data from stonybrook
  • scamper is available for Debian 8 and CentOS 7
  • Interest discussion with RIPE
  • SSL configuration
  • Will use Mozilla intermediate

February 4, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Luke, Dan, Scott, Michael, Eric, Valentin, Rade, Sowmya, Mark, Szymon, Ivan, Hakan
  • Apologies: Antoine, Brian

Agenda Topics

  • 3.5.1 and 3.6 Project Planning
    • New GUI
      • On track to finish first part of next week
    • Packaging
      • On track to finish early part of next week
    • Build system and testbed
      • Testing new iperf3 that fixes a testbed issue
    • Debian
      • Have esmond working on debian 7
      • Will look at all the changes Andy has made for redhat next week, hopefully brings stuff more in line with Debian
    • LS
      • Sowmya is testing some fixes that take advantage of new Mongo features to make stuff more efficient
  • Toolkit test parameter limits
    • Agreed not a huge priority for 3.5.1 since BWCTL and OWAMP enforce limits but would be nice to prevent people from creating tests doomed to fail
    • Action: Michael will create issue for this, may do some super-easy stuff for 3.5.1 but otherwise will be 3.6
    • Action: Szymon will create documentation issue for defining common test profiles
  • Review Toolkit SSL configuration
    • Sounds like moderate is the best course of action
    • Valentin notes they use it on a production web server and have never had issue. Also noted SSL Labs has page you can use to check your site.
    • Action: Michael will implement moderate recommendation and send to list what changed

January 28, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Andy, Scott, Mark, Dan, Michael, Brian, Eric, Ivan, Hakan, Ivan, Sowmya, Antoine, Valentin
  • Apologies:

Agenda Topics

  • 3.5.1 and 3.6 Project Planning
    • Smartsheet:
    • New UI
    • Putting finishing touches on regular testing
    • Want another week to finish some more stuff
    • Unit Tests
    • No update
    • Packaging
    • Work started on regualr_testing, hope to have more next week
    • Antoine may be making some changes to bwctl and owamp to bring in line with Debian standards. Andy and Antoine will coordinate offline how we want this to affect redhat.
    • Build system
    • Displaying unit test for ls-registration-daemon
    • Testbed
    • Debugging iperf3 issue on IU Debian host. Dan will contact Bruce.
    • Debian
    • Decided central management and toolkit will stay in beta for 3.5.1
    • OPPD
    • Hakan working on esmond.
  • SSL configuration
    • Suggestion from Michael to review SSL cipher configuration
    • Agreed it was a good idea
  • pScheduler Update
    • Working on test designs for ping and traceroute and data validation


  • 3.5.1 and 3.6 Project Planning
    • New GUI
      • Fixed a bunch of issues related to scaling, internationalizaion, etc
      • Looking at interface lookup speed

January 14, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Mark, Szymon, Hakan, Soraya, Sowmya, Scott, Ivan, Andy, Brian, Michael, Dan
  • Apologies:

Agenda Topics


  • 3.5.1 Project Planning
    • GUI on track
    • Unit testing and package clean-up on track
    • Build system on track
    • Debian just has esmond left. Blocking on a merge by Andy.
  • 3.6 Tasks
    • Action: Soraya will move crossed out stuff in "organize it all" to 3.7 heading. She'll then move 3.6 and 3.7 over to the main sheet.
    • Action: Once Soraya is done with the above, everyone should review and put dates where their name is
  • 3.5.1 Issues
    • Action: Andy and Michael will review 3.5.1 issues and stick into smartsheet
  • Plan to merge development branches into master to prepare packaging
    • Action: Michael will merge toolkit and perl-shared 3.5.1 branches into master.


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January 7, 2016 Conference Call 3:00PM UTC/GMT/11:00AM EDT/8:00AM PDT/5:00PM CEST

  • Attendees: Andy, Mark, Szymon, Shawn, Michael, Luke, Brian, Ivan, Antoine, Eric, Jingle Bell
  • Apologies: Soraya, Dan, John

Agenda Topics


  • 3.5.1 Project Planning
    • Regular testing
      • looks like 1s week of Feb
    • Unit tests
      • Andy will resume next week
    • Packaging updates
      • Andy looking at this week and next
    • Debian
      • Blocking esmond update on branch merge. Andy will look at soon.
    • OPPD no updates
    • 3.5.1 looks liek an RC in early Feb
  • BWCTL replacement
    • Working on plugin architecture and protocol
    • Will start on single participant traceroute tests next week


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