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D5 - Deutschodoro (Take 5)

Excel formats

Using the excel format is only necessary when the default Excel parsers are used, but it is the recommended and the only documented input schema. The first row of the spreadsheet is considered to be the header is not used by the system at this point.

German dictionary

Deutschodoro will be able to handle simple, two-column dictionaries in medium term, but it's primarly focus is dealing with German dictionaries.


German dictionaries are supposed to have 6 columns and they should be utf-8 encoded. File types can be .csv, .ods or .xlsx

The columns need to be in the right order and they need to contain the following information

  • Article/Auxiliary: Only used for nouns and verbs. Article notions for nouns, auxiliary for verbs.
  • German: German expression to be learned. Doesn't have to be unique but the whole content of the column will be interpreted as one word. It must not contain synonims.
  • English: English meaning(s) of the German word. Synonims are separated by comma, different meanings are separated by semicolons. Different meanings can have further explanations in paranthases. Since these should help giving context to the translation, synonims can not have their own explanations.
  • Third: Can be used for non-english translations, usually in the native language of the learner (Optional)
  • Category: While practically any category can be provided, some are used to mark special word types. Typical categories are noun, verb, adj, exp, idiom, prep, adv, init, prefix, pron, conj
  • Date: Date is used to mark the date a word was learned
  • Score: 1-10 integer that indicates the importance of the word. 10 should be used for the most useful words and 1 for least important ones.
A/A German English Third Category Date Score
passt schon no problem; never mind pont passzol; hagyd exp 2014-05-01 5


Verb is the most complex type in d5. Verb content must follow the following rules:

  • There are 5 types based on the regularity of verbs.
    • Regular verbs
    • Verbs with irregular past tense
    • Verbs with irregular conjugation in second/third person in present tense
    • Very irregular verbs
  • Verbs must have at least one auxiliary verb, haben (h) and/or sein (s), as the first word, multiple auxiliary verbs must be separated by a / character (without spaces)
  • Separable verbs may contain a pipe sign (|) a sign of the place prefix separation using a pipe in the first conjugation. Note that the system is able to note most separable verbs, but in cases of prefixes that may or may not be separable, it will always assume that the verb is inseparable.
  • Any conjugation of a verb but the first one (dictionary form) can have multiple versions separated by / characters. This can indicate that multiple version of a form is in use.
  • Verbs may have any number of arguments, each should be separated from the rest of the definition by a + sign. Each argument may have in parantheses a notion of case in which the following part must be (A: acustative, D: dative, G: genitive). In some cases there will only be a notion of case.
  • Reflexive verbs must have as first argument sich (A) or sich (D) depending on the case in which the reflexive part is in.

Regular verbs

Regular verbs define only 1 word which is the plural, first person conjugation (us/wir).

A/A German English Third Category Date Score
h ausprobieren to try out kipróbálni verb 2015-03-29 5
h/s durch|drehen to freak out megőrülni; meghülyülni verb 2014-06-04 5
h diskutieren + über (A) to discuss sth megvitatni vmit; megbeszélni vmit verb 2014-05-08 5
h beeilen + sich (A) to hurry sietni verb 2014-08-20 5
h Sorgen machen + sich (A) + über (A) to worry about sth. aggódni vmi miatt verb 2014-05-10 5
h verlassen + sich (A) + auf (A) to trust, to rely on elhagyni verb 2014-05-05 5
h vor|machen + (D) to fool, to deceive (coll) megtéveszteni vkit verb 2014-08-31 5
h vor|machen + sich (D) to lie to oneself beképzelni magának vmit, hazudni magának verb 2014-08-31 5

Verbs with irregular past tense

Verbs with irregular past tense, but regular second and third persons in present tense are defined by 3 conjugations.

3 conjugations in order:

  • dictionary form (present form for we)
  • preterite
  • past particle
A/A German English Third Category Date Score
h schreiben, schrieben, geschrieben to write írni verb 2014-10-12 5
h/s Sport treiben, trieben, getrieben to sport sportolni verb 2014-05-01 5
h treffen, trafen, getroffen, triffst, trifft + sich (A) to meet találkozni verb 2014-10-08 5

Verbs with irregular second/third person in present

Verbs with irregular second and third persons in present have 5 words after the auxiliary and before arguments.

5 words in order:

  • dictionary form (present form for wir)
  • preterite
  • past particle
  • present form for du
  • present form for er
A/A German English Third Category Date Score
h verlassen, verließ, verlassen, verlässt, verlässt to leave elhagyni verb 2014-05-05 5
h verwenden, verwendeten/verwandten, verwendet/verwandt to use használni verb 2014-05-01 5

Very irregular verbs

Some verbs are truly irregular in present tense and have 9 words after the auxiliary and before arguments.

9 words in order:

  • dictionary form (not used for word generation)
  • present form for I
  • present form for you
  • present form for he
  • present form for we
  • present form for you
  • present form for they
  • preterite
  • past particle
A/A German English Third Category Date Score
s sein, bin, bist, ist, sind, seid, sind, war, gewesen to be lenni, létezni verb 2014-05-01 5


Nouns are composed of an article (r: der, e: die, s: das), a main word and a notion for plural and optionally for genitive. Plural and genitive notions can be full words or extensions of the main word. If notions are extensions only than they are prefixed by ~ or . Latter notes that the base word gets an äumlaut in the given form.

A/A German English Third Category Date Score
e Entzündung,~en inflammation gyulladás noun 2015-03-04 5
e Trauma,Traumata/Traumen trauma trauma noun 2015-04-18 5
e Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika,- (pl) The United States of America Amerikai Egyesült Államok noun 2014-10-16 5


Adjectives are composed of a main word, optionally a notion for comparative and optionally for superlative. Comparative and suparlative notions can be full words or extensions of the main word. If notions are extensions only than they are prefixed by ~ or . Latter notes that the base word gets an äumlaut in the given form.

A/A German English Third Category Date Score
klug,⍨er,⍨sten smart okos, értelmes adj 2014-05-01 5
hochschwanger,- very pregnant terhes (nagyon) adj 2014-05-01 5
schmal,~er/⍨er,~sten/⍨sten narrow keskeny, szűk adj 2014-05-01 5



export D5_DB_HOST="localhost"
export D5_DB_NAME="d5"

Convert Excel to Plain JSON

Convert excel file into a json file. Optionally you can define how many entries to process. (8 in all the examples below.)

# .ods to .json, 8 columns processed, file saved into parser/fixture/gerdict.json
./spreadsheet/ods spreadsheet/fixture/gerdict.ods 8 > parser/fixture/gerdict.json

# .xlsx to .json, 8 columns processed, file saved into parser/fixture/gerdict.json
./spreadsheet/xlsx spreadsheet/fixture/gerdict.xlsx 8 > parser/fixture/gerdict.json

# .csv to .json, 8 columns processed, file saved into parser/fixture/gerdict.json
./spreadsheet/csv spreadsheet/fixture/gerdict.csv 8 > parser/fixture/gerdict.json

Convert Plain JSON to Parsed JSON

cat parser/fixture/gerdict.json | parser --user=peteraba

Persist Parsed JSON

cat persister/fixture/gerdict.json | persister --coll=german

Run the import chain at once

./spreadsheet/csv spreadsheet/fixture/gerdict.csv 8 | parser --user=peteraba | persister --coll=german


Used to find words

echo "limit=2&query={\"word.german\": \"solche\", \"word.user\": \"peteraba\"}" | finder --coll=german


Used to store game scores on words

scorer --coll=german --data='{"wordId":"55c72270288a2139ea45f52e", "score":7}'


Connects frontends ands games



export GAME_DB_HOST="localhost"
export GAME_DB_NAME="d5"


To be documented later.


To be documented later.

Decline Noun

Planned for 1.0.

Decline Adjective

Planned for 1.0.


Planned for 1.0.

Deutschodoro Chrome Plugin

Planned for 1.0.

Contributing to Deutschodoro

Contributions to Deutschodoro of any kind is more than welcome including documentation, themes, organization, tutorials, blog posts, bug reports, issues, feature requests, feature implementation, pull requests, etc.


Create your own games to help you learning from your dictionary








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