Check a list of URLs/hosts to see if they might be affected by #cloudbleed
This is a small tool to help you match a list of URLs or hostnames against a list of potential affected site. The list is fetched from this repository, The actually file that is fetched is
Note! The list that is scanned contains possible affected sites. Just because you get a hit in the list it doesn't mean that it's affected. Anyway, when was the last time you changed your password for that site. It doesn't take that much time to change it, just to be sure.
Please also read the disclaimer here
Each line in the file can contain one URL or one hostname. The match is only performed on domain level that mean that if a hostname is provided with several subdomains they are removed and only a domain name containing one dot (.) is used. An exception for domains that ends with co.?? are handled special. For example will be It might exist other special cases that are not handle correctly. If you know about a special case, please open an issue.
Example lines: -> ->
https://sweden:8080 -> sweden ->
The list of hostnames that you want to test is read from stdin.
cat mysites.txt | cloudbleed-check
Will result in a list of site that might be affected.
If you want to check sites from your browser history you can export it to a text file and then pipe it into cloudbleed-check. The most important timeframe is between 17 and 22 of February, but the bug has been running since last summer, but not in the same scale.
There are several extensions to chrome that can export the browser history and bookmarks.
These two are tests:
Export History/Bookmarks to JSON/XLS* from
Does not do a pretty print output so pipe the file from this extension via
cat chrome_history.json | json_pp | sed 's/.*"url".*: "\(.*\)",/\1/;tx;d;:x' | cloudbleed-check
cat chrome_bookmarks.json | json_pp | sed 's/.*"url".*: "\(.*\)",/\1/;tx;d;:x' | cloudbleed-check
cat history.json | sed 's/."url".: "(.*)",/\1/;tx;d;:x' | cloudbleed-check
echo "select url from urls;" | sqlite3 ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/History | \
echo "select url from urls;" | sqlite3 ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/History | \
docker run -i --rm peterrosell/cloudbleed-check:latest
A public docker image is also available peterrosell/cloudbleed-check
cat chrome_history.json | json_pp | sed 's/.*"url".*: "\(.*\)",/\1/;tx;d;:x' | \
docker run -i --rm peterrosell/cloudbleed-check:latest
- Kelsey Hightower for the docker packaging solution including https support, see
- Nick Sweeting for collecting and managing the list of possible affected sites.