Install with: pip install autosat
A Python library for easily making SAT instances, by just decorating your functions.
The core tool is a decorator, autosat.sat
, that automatically converts a function that takes bits as arguments into CNF.
import autosat
inst = autosat.Instance()
def xor(x, y):
return x ^ y
def full_adder(a, b, carry_in):
r = a + b + carry_in
return r & 1, (r & 2) >> 1
def add(a, b):
assert len(a) == len(b)
# True and False are okay to pass into @autosat.sat functions.
carry = False
result = []
# Perform ripple-carry addition.
for a_bit, b_bit in zip(a, b):
sum_bit, carry = full_adder(a_bit, b_bit, carry)
return result, carry
x, y = inst.new_vars(2)
z = xor(x, y)
# You can also add clauses manually.
inst.add_clause(x, y, ~z)
a = inst.new_vars(32)
b = inst.new_vars(32)
c, overflow_bit = add(a, b)
# Gives the list of clauses like: [[-1, -2, -3], [1, 2, -3], [1, -2, 3], ...]
# Gives a string like: "p cnf 132 454\n-1 -2 -3 0\n1 2 -3 0\n1 -2 3 0\n ..."
# If you have pysat installed (pip install python-sat) you can also ask it for solutions:
model = inst.solve(
# Gives output like: {1: False, 2: False, 3: False, ...} or the string "UNSAT"
# Gives the value of the variable in the model.
print("x =", x.decode(model))
# Decodes the numerical value that a list of variables takes on in the model.
# Will print 0 in this case, because a = 0x00000000 in the solution.
print("a =", autosat.decode_number(a, model))
The logic inside of a decorated function can be any arbitrary Python, as the arguments are simply either 0 or 1. Specifically, the decorated function is called at every possible combination of inputs, and a lookup-table is built.
The next step is to convert this lookup-table into CNF clauses to implement the given functionality. To do this, the lookup-table is converted into a set cover instance (where each possible input/output pair to rule out is an element of the set, and each clause is a subset that rules out some input/output pairs), which is solved either heuristically or via integer linear programming if it's small enough. The solution is written to a persistent cache automatically, so the decorator should be fast on future invocations. This technique is tractible if the number of input + output bits of a decorated function is at most about 18ish.
You can also declare that some inputs to a function should be completely ruled out:
def mux_three(address_high, address_low, x, y, z):
address = 2 * address_high + address_low
if address == 3:
raise autosat.ImpossibleInputsError()
return [x, y, z][address]
Alternatively, you can say that you don't care about the output values for some input values by raising autosat.DontCare()
You can request that a function reuse bits, if you'd like to constrain those bits in multiple ways:
def crummy_hash(a, b, c, d):
for _ in range(8):
a ^= b | (c & d)
a, b, c, d = b, c, d, a
return a, b, c, d
input0 = inst.new_vars(4)
input1 = inst.new_vars(4)
# We'd like to constrain that input0 and input1 both hash to the same value.
hash_result = crummy_hash(*input0)
# Reuse the same result bits, thus forcing equality.
crummy_hash(*input1, outs=hash_result)
All code here is licensed under CC0 (public domain).