Python SDK to access PostFinance Checkout web services API.
Library facilitates your interaction with various services such as transactions, accounts, and subscriptions.
PostFinance Checkout Web Service API
- Python 3.7+
pip3 install --upgrade postfinancecheckout
pip3 install git+
(you may need to run pip3
with root permission: sudo pip3 install git+
Install via Setuptools.
pip3 install setuptools
python install
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
The library needs to be configured with your account's space id, user id, and secret key which are available in your PostFinance Checkout
account dashboard. Set space_id
, user_id
, and api_secret
to their values.
You can also optionally set default_headers
to set some headers that will be sent to all requests
from postfinancecheckout import Configuration
from postfinancecheckout.api import TransactionServiceApi, TransactionPaymentPageServiceApi
space_id = 405
# default_headers is an optional param, that represents headers sent to all requests
config = Configuration(
default_headers={'x-meta-custom-header': 'value-1', 'x-meta-custom-header-2': 'value-2'},
# set a custom request timeout if needed. (If not set, then the default value is: 25 seconds)
request_timeout = 30
transaction_service = TransactionServiceApi(configuration=config)
transaction_payment_page_service = TransactionPaymentPageServiceApi(configuration=config)
To get started with sending transactions, please review the example below:
from postfinancecheckout import Configuration
from postfinancecheckout.api import TransactionServiceApi, TransactionPaymentPageServiceApi
from postfinancecheckout.models import LineItem, LineItemType, TransactionCreate
space_id = 405
config = Configuration(
# set a custom request timeout if needed. (If not set, then the default value is: 25 seconds)
request_timeout = 30
transaction_service = TransactionServiceApi(configuration=config)
transaction_payment_page_service = TransactionPaymentPageServiceApi(configuration=config)
# create line item
line_item = LineItem(
name='Red T-Shirt',
# create transaction model
transaction = TransactionCreate(
transaction_create = transaction_service.create(space_id=space_id, transaction=transaction)
payment_page_url = transaction_payment_page_service.payment_page_url(space_id=space_id,
# redirect your customer to this payment_page_url
The HTTP request which is sent for a state change of an entity now includes an additional field state
, which provides information about the update of the monitored entity's state. This enhancement is a result of the implementation of our webhook encryption mechanism.
Payload field state
provides direct information about the state update of the entity, making additional API calls to retrieve the entity state redundant.
The provided pseudocode is intentionally generic and serves to illustrate the process of enhancing your API to leverage webhook payload signing. It is not a complete implementation.
Please ensure that you adapt and extend this code to meet the specific needs of your application, including appropriate security measures and error handling. For a detailed webhook payload signing mechanism understanding we highly recommend referring to our comprehensive Webhook Payload Signing Documentation.
@app.route('/webhook/callback', methods=['POST'])
def handle_webhook():
request_payload ='utf-8')
signature = request.headers.get('x-signature')
if not signature:
# Make additional API call to retrieve the entity state
# ...
if webhook_encryption_service().is_content_valid(signature_header=signature, content_to_verify=request_payload):
# Parse request_payload to extract 'state' value
# Process entity's state change
# ...
# Process the received webhook data
# ...
Please see the license file for more information.