This is a fork of the official libpqtypes repository once maintained by Andrew Chernow and Merlin Moncure from eSilo (see The reason for creating this fork is a slow reaction from libpqtypes developers to some newly found bugs.
Change Log:
v 1.5.2a (most of the changes below are made by Dmitry Epstein)
- PQseterror (error.c) - an optimization.
- pqt_put_float4 (numerics.c) - looks like a fix for a non-standard syntax.
- pqt_get_numeric (numerics.c) - a fix for a method that returns Numeric in native format.
- strip_var (numerics.c) - a fix for an internal method that normalizes a string representation of a number.
- str2num (numerics.c) - adds NaN handling in an internal method used for putting numbers.
- num2str (numerics.c) - adds NaN handling in an internal method used for getting numbers.
- pqt_parse (spec.c) - a fix for a format string parser, something to do with custom handlers, IIRC.
v 1.5.2 (official unreleased version -see