A simplified interface for starting and stopping BrowserStack workers
- #list
- should list all available browsers
- should fail if not authorized
- #start
- should return a list of running workers pointing at the correct URL
- should fail if not authorized
- should fail if a worker cannot be started and terminate any workers that were started
- should fail if an error is encountered while waiting for workers to start
- should fail if workers are not running within specified timeout value
- should fail if already started
- #stop
- should fail if not started
- when started
- should terminate all (and only) the workers previously started by this instance
- should fail if a worker cannot be terminated
- #clean
- should terminate all the workers associated with the given credentials
- should fail if started
- should fail if not authorized
npm install simplified-browserstack
var SimplifiedBrowserStack = require('simplified-browserStack');
var simplifiedBrowserStack = new SimplifiedBrowserStack({
username: 'USERNAME',
password: 'PASSWORD'
simplifiedBrowserStack.list(function(error, browsers) {
// browsers will be an array of available browser types
// time to wait for workers to start running
queueTimeout: QUEUE_TIMEOUT,
// default URL for started workers
url: 'URL',
// default timeout for started workers
timeout: TIMEOUT,
// list of browser types to start, as returned from the list function
browsers: [{
os: 'OS',
browser: 'BROWSER',
version: 'VERSION',
// override the default URL
url: 'URL',
// override the default worker timeout
timeout: TIMEOUT
}, {
os: 'OS',
browser: 'BROWSER',
version: 'VERSION',
// override the default URL
url: 'URL',
// override the default worker timeout
timeout: TIMEOUT
}, function(errors, workers) {
// the workers array will contain the started worker IDs
simplifiedBrowserStack.stop(function(errors) {
// the workers will have been stopped
// errors may be reported if a worker has already timed out
// but any running workers should have been stopped anyway
simplifiedBrowserStack.clean(function(errors) {
// Should stop any workers associated with the
// BrowserStack account
// useful for cleaning up orphaned workers
- Nothing yet
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Copyright (c) 2012 Peter Halliday
Licensed under the MIT license.