这里是基于这个项目使用VS2013建立的一个 Console 应用程序,如果需要编译为静态库,直接修改项目属性即可。鉴于各种版本的库下载下来都不能直接用,需要各种设置修改,此处备份一个可以直接使用的项目。
leveldb需要使用boost库,下载官方boost源码,按说明编译即可。boost的编译说明和编译方式非常人性化,基本按说明就可以编译成功。boost目录和项目处于同级目录,如果不是,需要修改项目的boost路径设置。boost lib库分别为 state/lib_x86 和 state/lib_x64,默认并不是这两个目录,我是每编译完一个版本,比如x64就重命名为lib_x64,再编译完32为版本,命名为lib_x86。
Current version: 1.18
quasardb LevelDB branch with full Windows support. This is not an official LevelDB branch, but the branch we use in our product, quasardb.
- Full Windows support: everything builds, all tests pass;
- CMake based build
- Explicit (thread unsafe) de-allocation routines for "clean exits". Helps a lot when running your application into a leak detector;
- The Windows build requires Boost;
- Our code is C++11ish and may require a recent compiler;
- Lots of warnings fixed;
- Is not 100% compliant with Google coding style.
Tested on FreeBSD, Linux and Windows (32-bit & 64-bit).
Might contains trace of nuts.
Comments? Questions? Suggestions? Pull!