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backup full

pgrecm edited this page Jan 12, 2022 · 6 revisions

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Perform a FULL online backup of the whole PGDATA directory. The command use PostgreSQL functions 'pg_start_backup()' and 'pg_stop_backup()'.


/cleanup Invoke 'delete backup/obsolete' after the backup process.
Usually used with '/verify' option.
/lock Exlude backup from the default policy (keep forever).
/exclusive create an EXCLUSIVE backup.
PostgreSQL:The non-exclusive method is recommended and the exclusive one is deprecated and will eventually be removed.
/directory="PATH" Set a different location for the backup for the command.
/noindex Remove all user indexes from the backup. At restore time, the indexes will be recreated by a 'reindex'.
/verbose Change log details.
/verify Invoke 'verify backup' command after the backup process.
/tag="..." Change default TAG.
/wal Invoke a 'backup wal' command after the FULL backup.
The backup ID will be different, but the TAG will remain the same.


Connection to a DEPOSIT is mandatory.


CLU12> backup full/wal/verify/cleanup 
recm-inf: Backup UID : 000161dc26590aeb6ce8
recm-inf: Total pieces ......... : 13      
recm-inf: Total files backuped.. : 2480    
recm-inf: Total Backup size .... : 164140766 (156 MB)
recm-inf: Total bytes skipped... : 601760   (0 MB)
recm-inf: Total files skipped... : 13      
NOTICE:  all required WAL segments have been archived
recm-inf: Backup UID : 000161dc26693b1a3fc0
recm-inf: Total pieces ......... : 1       
recm-inf: Total files backuped.. : 4       
recm-inf: Total files deleted... : 0        (Files aged 10 minute(s) or more)
recm-inf: Total Backup size .... : 50331988 (48 MB)
recm-inf: Verifying backups of cluster 'CLU12'
recm-inf: Verifying WAL sequence
recm-wrn(d204): GAP between '000000230000001A00000095' and '000000230000001A00000097'. (AVAILABLE backup). Verify and Launch a FULL backup if necessary.
recm-inf: Backup piece(s) state changed : 18 AVAILABLE, 7 OBSOLETE, 0 INCOMPLETE.
