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pgrecm edited this page Jan 17, 2022 · 6 revisions


RECM is a Backup and Recovery tool for PostgreSQL databases.


  • Maintain backup (Retention policy)
  • Online Backup using PostgreSQL native functions
  • Point in time Recovery (By date, LSN, restore points)
  • Manage your backup’s retention using a database as a repository called ‘deposit’
  • Manage restore points
  • Allow partial restore to recover databases, schemas or even tables level for quicker restoration.
  • Exclude indexes from backups, to reduce the backup size
  • Automatically rebuild indexes after a restore/duplicate
  • Compress backups (using libzip)
  • WAL backups.
  • WAL verification (GAP detection)
  • Compatible with PostgreSQL Version 12 minimum.



RECM is completely free and open source under GPLV3. Bug Reports are taken seriously and will be taken into account as quick as possible.

Web site

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