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create restore point

pgrecm edited this page Jan 10, 2022 · 1 revision

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PostgreSQL allow you to create restore point, via the 'pg_create_restore_point' function. RECM call the function and keep trace in the deposit the necessary information for doing a restore, or a partial restore. The PERMANENT restore point option guaranty to keep the required backups, independently of the retention setting.


/name="..." Name of the restore point.
/temporary By default,a restore point is flagged as 'temporary'. That means, when the associated backup will be expired, the restore point will be expired also, and then deleted.
/permanent When adding '/permanent', the associated backup will be kept while the restore point is not explicitly removed.
/verbose Change log details.


Some useful information are kept in deposit.

  • Then date when the restore point has been created.
  • LSN when the restore point has been created.
  • WAL file where the restore point has been stored.
  • TL (TimeLine).
You can see also if the temporary restore point is still 'AVAILABLE' or not.


RECM> create restore point /name="BEFORE_MEP";
RECM> list restore point;
List restore point of cluster 'CLU12' (CID=1)
Name                 Date                 Type       LSN             TL     WALfile
-------------------- -------------------- ---------- --------------- ------ ------------------------
before_mep           2022-01-10 18:06:51  TEMPORARY  1B/CE0000C8     35     000000230000001B000000CE (AVAILABLE)

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