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list restore point

pgrecm edited this page Jan 12, 2022 · 1 revision

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This command display a list of defined restore point. By default, the restore point of the current connected cluster is listed. By adding a qualifier, you may filter the restore point to display.


/before="DATE" (filter)List all restore point prior the date.
/after="DATE" (filter)List all restore point after the date.
/nocid (filter) list restore point from all registered clusters.
/cid="CID" (filter)List restore point from an other cluster by it's ID.


You can use multiple options to filter the list. The date format is defined by the configuration item '/date_format'. The default is 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH'. (See 'set config' command for more details) The order is always the creation date.


RECM> list restore point; 
List restore point of cluster 'CLU12' (CID=1)
Name                 Date                 Type       LSN             TL     WALfile
-------------------- -------------------- ---------- --------------- ------ ------------------------
before_upgrade       2022-01-12 13:01:11  PERMANENT  1F/90000C8      35     000000230000001F00000009 (AVAILABLE)
before_change        2022-01-12 14:00:28  TEMPORARY  1F/A000090      35     000000230000001F0000000A (AVAILABLE)

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