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Matthew Gopez edited this page Aug 31, 2020 · 1 revision

Version 1.7

Released January 3, 2014

  • Added multi-threading.
  • Style Editor:
    • Linking of legends items with feature sets.
    • Multiple selection and editing of nodes.
    • Added optional slot labels.
    • Visual improvements.
  • Bug fixes.

Version 1.6

  • Released on August 20, 2012
  • Changes to Style Editor
  • Major visual improvements.
  • Fixed issues with consistency when switching between styles.
  • Added a progress notification when rebuilding styles.
  • Added the ability to modify ruler placement location and visibility.
  • Added the ability to refine sets.
  • Speed improvements when rebuilding specific style elements.
  • Added internal documentation.
  • Visual improvements.
  • Bug fixes.
  • Added more fonts.

Version 1.5.1

  • Released on December 12, 2011
  • Fixed issue where map would not rebuild when adding new slots/feature sets.
  • Added support for Genbank files with no sequence data.
  • Fixed an issue with labels displaying string "null" when no annotation value was available to display.

Version 1.5

  • Released on November 22, 2011
  • Added a Style Editor
  • Allows for modification of the appearance of the map without GSS
  • Provides the ability to save/load styles
  • Provides support for viewing the map with multiple styles at once
  • Toolbar added to provide easy access to useful features
  • Additional GSS Features
  • Placement of ruler labels on map using label-location
  • Bug fixes
  • Drawing single point features/features with gaps
  • Label overlap issues (both feature labels and ruler labels)
  • Fixed support for EMBL files

Version 1.1.1

Released on May 26, 2011

  • Fix for recursive feature sets
  • Fix for freezing during download of certain files.
  • Fix for COG mapper
  • Fix for overlap of ruler labels

Version 1.1

  • Released on February 18, 2011
  • Improved the GUI of GView
  • Controls to turn on/off elements of the map
  • Better Birds eye view window of map
  • Controls to zoom in/out
  • Splash Screen
  • Added Extra Features to GSS
  • Ability to perform mapping between properties and styles
  • Ability to associate a hyperlink with each feature.
  • Added sequenceName() feature filter.
  • Bug fixes
  • Fixed GC Content/GC Skew calculations.
  • Fixed handling of point features.
  • Fixed some display issues (borders of features, colors, etc).
  • Fixed issue with compiling examples against GView API.
  • Other Improvements
    • Better detection of file formats.
    • Better handling of how to position elements on map.
    • Support for multiple GFF files.

Version 1.0.4683

  • Released on October 26, 2010
  • Added hasAnnotation Feature Filter option for GSS files.
  • Improved handling of CGView XML input files.
  • Fixed issue with labels/mouseover text in CGView XML input files.
  • Improved error handling for GSS parsing.
  • Fixed issue with path separator characters under Windows.
  • Updated library dependencies (biojava).
  • Added support for loading remote input files via a URL.
  • Added direct support for reading in GFF files and improved GFF parsing.
  • Fixed issue where circular shapes would begin to overlap each other at high resolution levels.
  • Improved display of outlines around features.
  • Fixed issue with circular backbone arc not displaying for certain sequence lengths.
  • Fixed issue where zooming with (+/-) keys in linear layout would not adjust positions correctly.

Version 1.0.4598

  • Released on September 24, 2010
  • Added support for displaying legends in API and in GSS style format.
  • Added "stringbuilder" option to GSS text-extractors. This allows support for better formatting of strings to use for labels/tooltips.
  • Fixed bug with incorrect positions of features for cgview xml format.
  • Fixed bug where multiple lines would appear in cgview xml format.
  • Fixed svgz image support.
  • Fixed bug where user is unable to zoom in with too small initial backbone length.
  • Changed gview package names to include ca.corefacility.