A Minecraft Server patching framework.
$ ./scripts/decompile.sh
# This will download a jar from Mojang's AWS and decompile it using the mappings in mappings/
# It will also extract the needed assets, like language files and the log4j config.
$ ./scripts/setupWorkspace.sh
# This will move the source files to src/main/java/ and patch them.
# The patches are needed because FernFlower isn't perfect.
Running mvn clean install
will create a runnable jar.
You can change the pom.xml to set the main class.
Thanks to...
- MinecraftForge for it's amazing fork of FernFlower.
- md_5 for SpecialSource and his work on CraftBukkit & Spigot.
- Techcable & Z750 for help along the way.