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ph-diver - PH Digitally Versioned Resources - in collaboration with ecosio Logo

The modules contained in this repository provide access to versioned resources that reside on several external resource types like HTTP servers, local disks or in-memory data structures.

This library consists of the following submodules:

  • ph-diver-api - contains the basic API like version structured
  • ph-diver-repo - contains the data structures for a generic repository of version objects that can read, write and delete data. Also contains an in-memory based repository and afile system based repository.
  • ph-diver-repo-http - contains specific support for HTTP based repositories
  • ph-diver-repo-s3 - contains specific support for AWS S3 based repositories

The reason why the several types of repositories are separated, is mainly because of specific runtime dependencies needed, and to avoid that your dependencies are bloated if you only need a specific kind of repository.


VES is short for "Validation Execution Set" and is based on its original purpose to identify Validation Execution Sets. Each VESID is used to identify a technical artefact (file) very similar to Maven coordinates.

VESID contents

Each VESID consists of:

  • a mandatory Group ID
    • Represents an organisation or group that provides a set of artefacts. That must be using the reverse domain name notation (as in com.helger)
    • It MUST NOT be empty and follow the regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]{1,64}
    • The usage of dot (.) in a Group ID represents the separation of different hierarchy levels (e.g. directory and sub directory).
    • The Group ID MUST be treated case sensitive
  • a mandatory Artefact ID
    • Uniquely represents an artefact offered by a specific group. Artefact IDs must be unique per Group ID in which they are used.
    • It MUST NOT be empty and follow the regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]{1,64}
    • The Artefact ID MUST be treated case sensitive
  • a mandatory Version Number that enforces semantic versioning
    • Each Version Number must be unique per combination of Group ID and Artefact ID
    • The usage of semantic version supports the strict ordering of elements
    • Each version must follow either the form major[.minor[.micro[-classifier]]] where major, minor and micro must be unsigned integer values (like 1 or 2023) or the form classifier which is interpreted as 0.0.0-classifier.
    • The version classifier SNAPSHOT is a special case and identifies "work in progress" artefacts that are not final yet
    • The Version Number MUST be treated case sensitive
  • an optional Classifier - it MAY be empty and follow the regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]{0,64}
    • The Classifier MUST be treated case sensitive

The limitations in the allowed characters for the different parts are meant to allow an easy representation on file systems.

VESID string representation

Each VESID can be represented in a single string in the form groupID:artifactID:version[:classifier].

The string representation of version numbers is a bit tricky, because 1, 1.0 and 1.0.0 are all semantically equivalent. Thats why it was decided, that trailing zeroes for minor and micro versions are NOT contained in the string representation, to be as brief as possible So e.g., for version 1.0.0 the string representation is 1; for version 3.2.0, the string representation is 3.2. Versions using a classifier like 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT are represented as 3-SNAPSHOT. Versions that only consist of a classifier like 0.0.0-XYZ are represented only as the classifier XYZ. That is a work around to be able to handle all kind of versions, but they are treated as 0.0.0-something.


A repository is an abstract tree like structure to act as the source for artefacts (files).

Each repository item is uniquely addressed with a RepoStorageKey that basically is a path structure. The content of a repository item is represented via class RepoStorageItem.

A repository itself is represented as implementations of class IRepoStorage. Each repository is always readable, and optionally writable and optionally allows for deletion.

Several repositories may be chained together for reading. E.g., first the local file system is queried for a resource - if the artefact is not found locally, another remote repository might be used instead. The local caching of remote resources is also supported, to limit the necessity for external access.

Table of Contents per Group ID and Artefact ID

Since v1.0.1 a special "table of contents" (ToC) is supported per Group ID and Artefact ID. It contains all the versions of that combination and allows for easy access of the latest version, without iterating any directory structure. The filename used is toc-diver.xml per default.

An extended API is available for repository storage implementations via the IRepoStorageWithToc interface.

Maven usage

Add the following to your pom.xml to use e.g. the HTTP repository artifact, replacing x.y.z with the latest version:


Alternate usage as a Maven BOM:


News and Noteworthy

  • v1.2.0 - 2024-04-25
    • Extended the API of IRepoStorageWithToc with getLatest(Release)Version
    • Extended the API of RepoToc
    • Replaced the enum EVESPseudoVersion with IVESPseudoVersion and VESPseudoVersionRegistry
    • Now supporting the following pseudo versions: oldest, latest and latest-release
  • v1.1.1 - 2024-03-29
    • Updated to ph-commons 11.1.5
    • Ensured Java 21 compatibility
  • v1.1.0 - 2024-03-09
    • Extracted RepoStorageKeyOfArtefact from RepoStorageKey [backwards incompatible change]
    • Class RepoStorageHttp got an API extension, so that the used HTTP requests can be customized
    • Added a top-level table of contents (ToC) service that contains all groups and the artefacts of all groups (via IRepoTopTocService) and an XML based implementation (class RepoTopTocServiceRepoBasedXML)
    • Added a new interface IRepoStorageAuditor to be able to handle accesses to the repository
    • Extended RepoToc API
    • Renamed RepoTopToc to RepoTopTocXML
    • Reworked RepoStorageItem to RepoStorageContentByteArray and RepoStorageReadItem and extracted interfaces for both of them
    • Changed the writable repo API to use IRepoStorageContent instead of byte[] for stream based activities
    • Extracted IRepoStorageType interface
  • v1.0.2 - 2023-12-12
    • Restricted VESID part maximum lengths - defaults to 64 but customizable via VESIDSettings.
  • v1.0.1 - 2023-11-07
    • Added support for a "Table of contents" per Group ID and Artefact ID.
  • v1.0.0 - 2023-09-13
    • Initial version with support for in-memory, file system, HTTP and S3 repositories

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