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Ijod is web application that allows you to synchronise the watching of a video over multiple devices.

How to install?

Building Ijod requires Go 1.16 or newer to be installed.

When everything has been installed, run

$ go build ./cmd/ijod

and the file ijod should appear in the working directory.

How to start?

Given the ijod binary, run

$ ./ijod

and a server should start listening on port 8080, on all hosts. Use

$ ./ijod -help

to generate a listing of options. This is a fat, static binary so it can be copied wherever you might want to use it.

If you don't want to build, then run Ijod, you can also do it all in one step:

$ go run ./cmd/ijod

followed by any options you'd otherwise use.

Further Notes

  • Ijod has been primarily tested with Firefox and Chromium.

  • Since the video-files are streamed directly from your file system, it might be necessary to prepare them for streaming.

    For .mp4 files, running

    $ ffmpeg -i file.mp4 -movflags +faststart new-file.mp4

    with FFmpeg should suffice to quickly create a streamable file. If not, consider converting it to the WebM format using:

    $ ffmpeg -i file.ext -c:v libvpx-vp9 -c:a libopus -movflags +faststart file.webm
  • Tools like youtube-dl should automatically produce files fit for streaming.

  • If any issues or questions come up, send an email to my public inbox.


Ijod is distributed under CC0 Universal Public Domain Dedication (CC0 1.0).