It is intended to be used for the use case where we
- Read a pdf to use as a template
- Add text to it
- Add images to it
- Do something with the result
It is a simple DSL / Builder around Apache PDFBox.
Usually this template is filled in from a generic
By maven:
ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("graphconfig");
List<IPdfPart<List<Map<String, Object>>>> parts = PdfBuilder.<List<Map<String, Object>>>builder(bundle)
.addParts(new GraphDefn<List<Map<String, Object>>>(0, 0, layout,
GraphContents.fromListOfMap("one", "value")))
.addParts(new GraphDefn<List<Map<String, Object>>>(280, 0, layout,
GraphContents.fromListOfMap("one", "value2")))
.addParts(new GraphDefn<List<Map<String, Object>>>(0, 400, layout,
GraphContents.fromListOfMap("one", "value")))
.addParts(new GraphDefn<List<Map<String, Object>>>(280, 400, layout,
GraphContents.fromListOfMap("one", "value2")))
//And then to use it...
//load the template, apply the data, and save it to a new file
var processor = processTemplate("/test.pdf", parts);
//then for each data
processor.accept(, doc ->"output.pdf"));
//Or if you want to return the bytes
var makeBytes = processTemplateAndReturn("/test.pdf", parts, doc -> {
try (var stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {;
return stream.toByteArray();
//Then for each data
byte[] bytes = makeBytes.apply(;
This makes four changes to the template. The template is loaded from the class path
and then saved to a new file: output.pdf
- The units are in 'whatever the pds's units are'. Normally it will be in points aka 1/72th of an inch.
- The coordinate (0,0) is the bottom left hand corner of the page
- The builder allows us to add text, images, and buffered images
- Tt supports the usage of different fonts
- The items can be added to different pages