simple 3d game-engine in C ( C89 ), using OpenGL 4.6
not under development | unstable
using glfw3, glad, cglm, stb_image & stb_ds, nuklear, assimp, gravity, tiny file dialogs
resources:, "3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development" by Dunn Parberry, "Game Physics Engine Development" by Ian Millington
- parent-child relations
- audio
- first game test
- advanced 3d
- shadows
- normals
- hdr
- bloom
- ssao
- deferred rendering ?
- pbr
- ibl
- hdri
physics engine
particle simulation
mass aggregate simulation
rigidbody simulation
collision detection
contact physics
in-game gui
nuklear wrapper
-> used till / if custom implementation is made
design (immediate mode vs. saving the layout made in an editor and running it entirely in c for speed)
text rendering
quads with relations
the rest are made by me