- ReneNulschDE/mbapi2020 - Custom Component to integrate MercedesME devices into Home-Assistant (6 days ago)
- srvaroa/labeler - Label manager for PRs and Issues based on configurable conditions (9 months ago)
- cgiesche/streamdeck-homeassistant - Control your Home Assistant devices from StreamDeck (10 months ago)
- philippwaller/ansible-role-qemu_guest_agent - Enhance your virtualization experience with the power of QEMU Guest Agent! ✨ (10 months ago)
- robertdebock/ansible-role-update_package_cache - Update cache for yum and apt package managers. (10 months ago)
- philippwaller/dotfiles - My dotfiles library (10 months ago)
- robertdebock/ansible-role-bootstrap - Prepare your system to be managed by Ansible. (10 months ago)
- philippwaller/ansible-role-qemu_guest_agent - Enhance your virtualization experience with the power of QEMU Guest Agent! ✨
- philippwaller/dotfiles - My dotfiles library
- philippwaller/brewfile - Homebrew packages that I frequently use
- philippwaller/home-assistant-blueprints - Home Assistant Blueprints
- philippwaller/philippwaller.github.io - Website
- philippwaller/helm-charts - Helm Chart Repository
- srvaroa/labeler (v1.11.1, 3 days ago) - Label manager for PRs and Issues based on configurable conditions
- robertdebock/ansible-role-bootstrap (7.0.3, 3 weeks ago) - Prepare your system to be managed by Ansible.
- ReneNulschDE/mbapi2020 (v0.18.1, 1 month ago) - Custom Component to integrate MercedesME devices into Home-Assistant
- cgiesche/streamdeck-homeassistant (3.5.2, 1 month ago) - Control your Home Assistant devices from StreamDeck
- philippwaller/ansible-role-qemu_guest_agent (v1.0.0, 10 months ago) - Enhance your virtualization experience with the power of QEMU Guest Agent! ✨
- robertdebock/ansible-role-update_package_cache (2.1.6, 10 months ago) - Update cache for yum and apt package managers.
- See more...
- Align configuration classes with Home Assistant standards on ReneNulschDE/mbapi2020 (1 day ago)
- Add new switch "Preclimate" for hybrid and electric vehicles on ReneNulschDE/mbapi2020 (1 week ago)
- Remove Sensitive Information from Debug Report on ReneNulschDE/mbapi2020 (1 week ago)
- Update README.md to reflect changes from PR #264 on ReneNulschDE/mbapi2020 (1 week ago)
- Add new sensor "Wiper Health" on ReneNulschDE/mbapi2020 (1 week ago)
- Add new sensor "Preclimate Status" for hybrid and electric vehicles on ReneNulschDE/mbapi2020 (1 week ago)
- fix: Update README to correct markup on srvaroa/labeler (9 months ago)
- fix: Improve documentation and refactor tests to cover regex with special characters on srvaroa/labeler (9 months ago)
- feat: Add new type condition on srvaroa/labeler (9 months ago)
- feat: Add support for Jinja templates on cgiesche/streamdeck-homeassistant (10 months ago)
- refactor: update CI workflow on philippwaller/ansible-role-qemu_guest_agent (10 months ago)
- refactor: update readme on philippwaller/ansible-role-qemu_guest_agent (10 months ago)
- Update german translation on Petro31/easy-time-jinja (1 year ago)
- tap_migrations: add synology products on Homebrew/homebrew-cask-drivers (1 year ago)
- synology products: migrate from
on Homebrew/homebrew-cask (1 year ago) - See more...
- ReneNulschDE/mbapi2020 - Custom Component to integrate MercedesME devices into Home-Assistant (4 days ago)
- P3TERX/GeoLite.mmdb - MaxMind's GeoIP2 GeoLite2 Country, City, and ASN databases (2 months ago)
- saidsef/grafana-loki-on-k8s - Grafana, Loki, Promtail, Tempo, Prometheus for logs, LGTM metrics and tracing (2 months ago)
- oschwald/geoip2-golang - Unofficial MaxMind GeoIP2 Reader for Go (2 months ago)
- vincentfree/opentelemetry - Open Telemetry extensions (2 months ago)
- rednblkx/HomeKey-ESP32 - ESP32 HomeKit Lock with support for Apple Home Key (2 months ago)
- PiotrMachowski/Home-Assistant-custom-components-Custom-Templates - This integration adds possibility to use new functions in Home Assistant Jinja2 templating engine. (6 months ago)
- XKNX/xknx - XKNX - A KNX library written in Python (7 months ago)
- skrashevich/double-take - Unified UI and API for processing and training images for facial recognition. (8 months ago)
- frenck/spook - A scary 👻 powerful toolbox 🧰 for Home Assistant 🏡 (8 months ago)