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Copy employees' time entries from Harvest into Personio 👉



Example Usage

./ 2020-01-01 _ me  # Copy all of your times on and after 2020-01-01

You can also run the underlying deno app directly like:

deno run --allow-env, --allow-read=.env,.env.example,.env.defaults src/index.ts ...arguments

however due to deno's strict security this line is cumbersome. is provided for convenience.


index.ts and take 5 command line arguments, in the following order:

./ fromDate toDate includePeople excludePeople dotEnvPath

From and To Dates

Inclusive upper and lower date bounds. Both should be in format yyyy-mm-dd and either or both can be replaced by a _ meaning “limitless”.


  • 2020-01-01 2020-01-04 will copy all time entries on and between January 1st and January 4th.
  • 2020-01-01 2020-01-01 will copy only time entries on January 1st.
  • 2020-01-01 _ will copy all time entries on or after January 1st.
  • _ 2020-01-04 will copy all time entries before and on January 4th.
  • _ _ will copy all time entries.

People to Include and People to Exclude

List of employees for whom times should be copied. People to Exclude is optional and when present overrides People to Include. Both values should be a comma separated list of first and last names with all spaces removed or all. The value me is also acceptable for both and means the employee whose Harvest personal access token has been provided to the script.


  • all will copy time entries for everyone.
  • all AdaLovelace will copy time entries for everyone except Ada Lovelace.
  • AdaLovelace will copy times for only Ada Lovelace.
  • AdaLovelace,SteveJobs,ChimamandaAdichie AdaLovelace although rather redundant, will copy time entries for Steve Jobs and Chimamanda Adichie.
  • me will copy times for whoever's Harvest personal access token is being used.
  • all me will copy times for eveyone except me.

.env Path

Optional path to .env file. Defaults to ./.env.

Default Arguments

The order of the arguments cannot be changed but one or more arguments may be left off the end. The default arguments are:

./ _ _ '' '' './.env'

For Developers

General Architecture

More information on: Harvest API 👉 | Personio API 👉

This app works by making a request to, concatnating the users' first and last names, matching these names against a list of employee names fetched from and adding corresponding attendances with Functionality is divided into a Personio module, a Harvest module, and helper functions for processing data correctly according to the passed arguments in utils.ts. index.ts is the entrypoint to the app, executes immediately when run, and contains all the high level functionality.

Dockerized Cron Job

echo HOST_LOG_DIR=$(pwd)/cron_log >> .env
docker-compose up -d

Look into cronfile to change the cron job frequency.


Copy employees' time entries from Harvest into Personio






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