A helper micro-framework for verifying a collection of items, where the collection has a strict count.
Example usage:
final class CollectionVerifierTests: XCTestCase, CollectionVerifying {
func testSimpleUsage() {
verify([1, 2, 3], count: _3) { index, element in
switch index {
case ._0: XCTAssertEqual(element, 1)
case ._1: XCTAssertEqual(element, 2)
case ._2: XCTAssertEqual(element, 3)
In this example, count: _3
serves two purposes.
It specifies how many items the collection is expected to contain; the verifier will cause your test to fail if this expectation is not met.
It also determines the indexes that should be handled by the switch inside the verification block; this allows you to switch over all the indices that you expect, without requiring a default case.