The bundle works like a bridge to integrate Elasticsearch in Symfony. It provides developer APIs and eco-system to work with Elasticsearch easily using dependency injection (DI).
- Server status and information
- Index management
- Document management
- Clone repository.
git clone vendor/phoenix/elasticsearch-bundle
- Install dependencies.
composer require elasticsearch/elasticsearch
- Autoload bundle with composer.json.
// composer.json
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "src/",
"Phoenix\\ElasticsearchBundle\\": "vendor/phoenix/elasticsearch-bundle/"
- Dump autoload with composer
composer dump-autoload
- Add new bundle in config/bundles.php.
// config/bundles.php
return [
Phoenix\ElasticsearchBundle\PhoenixElasticsearchBundle::class => ['all' => true],
// vendor/phoenix/api-bundle/Elasticsearch/Index/LocationIndex.php
* This file is part of the Phoenix package.
* (c) Hiren Chhatbar <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Phoenix\ApiBundle\Elasticsearch\Index;
use Phoenix\ElasticsearchBundle\Index\AbstractIndex;
use Phoenix\ApiBundle\Elasticsearch\Document\LocationDocument;
* Class LocationIndex
* @package Phoenix\ApiBundle\Index
* @author Hiren Chhatbar
class LocationIndex extends AbstractIndex
* Holds name.
* @var string
public string $name = 'location';
* Constructor.
* @param LocationDocument $document
public function __construct(LocationDocument $document)
$this->document = $document;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \Phoenix\ElasticsearchBundle\Index\AbstractIndex::settings()
public function settings(): array
$settings = $this->defaultSettings();
return $settings;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \Phoenix\ElasticsearchBundle\Index\AbstractIndex::mappings()
public function mappings(): array
$defaultMappings = $this->defaultMappings();
$mappings = [
'properties' => [
'parent' => [
'type' => 'integer',
'name' => [
'type' => 'keyword',
'path' => [
'type' => 'keyword',
'level' => [
'type' => 'integer',
'latitude' => [
'type' => 'float',
'longitude' => [
'type' => 'float',
'slug' => [
'type' => 'text',
'uuid' => [
'type' => 'text',
'lat_long' => [
'type' => 'geo_point',
return \array_merge_recursive($defaultMappings, $mappings, $this->translationMapping());
# vendor/phoenix/api-bundle/Resources/config/services_elasticsearch.yaml
arguments: ['@Phoenix\ApiBundle\Elasticsearch\Document\LocationDocument']
tags: ['es.index']
- [setPrefix, ['%pes.index_prefix%']]
// vendor/phoenix/api-bundle/Elasticsearch/Document/LocationDocument.php
* This file is part of the Phoenix package.
* (c) Hiren Chhatbar <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Phoenix\ApiBundle\Elasticsearch\Document;
use Phoenix\ElasticsearchBundle\Document\AbstractDocument;
use Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder;
use Phoenix\ApiBundle\Service\QueryService;
use App\Entity\Location;
use Phoenix\ApiBundle\EntityService\LocationService;
* Class LocationDocument
* @package Phoenix\ApiBundle\Document
* @author Hiren Chhatbar
class LocationDocument extends AbstractDocument
* Holds object of QueryService.
* @var QueryService
protected QueryService $queryService;
* Holds object of LocationService.
* @var LocationService
protected LocationService $locationService;
* Constructor.
* @param QueryService $queryService
* @param LocationService $locationService
public function __construct(QueryService $queryService, LocationService $locationService)
$this->queryService = $queryService;
$this->locationService = $locationService;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \Phoenix\ElasticsearchBundle\Document\DocumentInterface::get()
public function get(int $id): array
$res = $this->queryService->select('location__find_one', ['id' => $id]);
$row = \reset($res['rows']);
if ($row['latitude'] && $row['longitude']) {
$row['lat_long'] = sprintf('%s,%s', $row['latitude'], $row['longitude']);
$resTrans = $this->queryService->select('location_translation__find_by_object', ['object' => $id]);
foreach ($resTrans['rows'] as $rowTrans) {
$row['translation'][] = $rowTrans;
$fullnameTrans = [
'locale' => $rowTrans['locale'],
'field' => 'fullname',
'content' => $this->locationService->hierarchyAsString($row['id'], $rowTrans['locale']),
$row['translation'][] = $fullnameTrans;
$row['parent'] = $row['parent_id'];
return $row;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \Phoenix\ElasticsearchBundle\Document\DocumentInterface::queryBuilder()
public function queryBuilder(): QueryBuilder
$qb = $this->queryService->repository(Location::class)->createQueryBuilder('l');
return $qb;
# vendor/phoenix/api-bundle/Resources/config/services_elasticsearch.yaml
arguments: ['@Phoenix\ApiBundle\Service\QueryService', '@Phoenix\ApiBundle\EntityService\LocationService']
tags: ['es.document']
Use DI (Dependancy Injection) and use Phoenix\ElasticsearchBundle\Service and its search method to execute search query:
// vendor/phoenix/api-bundle/CrudManipulator/LocationAdminCrudManipulator.php
* This file is part of the Phoenix package.
* (c) Hiren Chhatbar <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Phoenix\ApiBundle\CrudManipulator;
use Phoenix\ElasticsearchBundle\Service\DocumentService;
use Phoenix\ApiBundle\Elasticsearch\Index\LocationIndex;
use Phoenix\ElasticsearchBundle\Utils\Pagination;
use Phoenix\ElasticsearchBundle\Utils\Util;
* Class LocationCrudManipulator
* @package Phoenix\ApiBundle\CrudManipulator
* @author Hiren Chhatbar
class LocationAdminCrudManipulator extends AbstractCrudManipulator
* Holds object of LocationIndex.
* @var LocationIndex
protected LocationIndex $locationIndex;
* Holds object of DocumentService.
* @var DocumentService
protected DocumentService $documentService;
* Holds object of Pagination.
* @var Pagination
protected Pagination $pagination;
* Holds object of Util.
* @var Util
protected Util $util;
* Constructor.
* @param LocationIndex $locationIndex
* @param DocumentService $documentService
* @param Pagination $pagination
public function __construct(LocationIndex $locationIndex, DocumentService $documentService, Pagination $pagination, Util $util)
$this->locationIndex = $locationIndex;
$this->documentService = $documentService;
$this->pagination = $pagination;
$this->util = $util;
* Returns list.
* @param array $input
* @return array
public function list(array $input): array
$ret = [];
$limit = $input['limit'] ?? 30;
$offset = $input['offset'] ?? 0;
$body = [];
if (isset($input['name'])) {
$body['query']['bool']['filter'][]['wildcard']['name'] = [
'value' => \sprintf('*%s*', $this->util->escape($input['name'])),
if (isset($input['fullname'])) {
$body['query']['bool']['filter'][]['wildcard']['fullname'] = [
'value' => \sprintf('*%s*', \sprintf('*%s*', $this->util->escape($input['fullname']))),
if (isset($input['parent'])) {
$location = $input['parent'];
$body['query']['bool']['filter'][]['term']['parent'] = [
'value' => $location->getId(),
if (isset($input['path'])) {
$body['query']['bool']['filter'][]['wildcard']['path'] = [
'value' => \sprintf('*%s*', \sprintf('%s*', $this->util->escape($input['path']))),
if (isset($input['order_by']) && $input['order_by']) {
$fld = key($input['order_by']);
$ord = $input['order_by'][$fld];
$body['sort'][] = [$fld => $ord];
$res = $this->documentService->search(
$ret = \array_merge(
$this->pagination->info($res['hits']['total']['value'], $limit, $offset),
['rows' => \array_column($res['hits']['hits'], '_source')]
return $ret;
// Pings server
php bin/console phoenix:elasticsearch:client ping
// Displays server info
php bin/console phoenix:elasticsearch:client info
// Creates index for location
php bin/console phoenix:elasticsearch:index --name=location create
// Deletes index of location
php bin/console phoenix:elasticsearch:index --name=location delete
// Checks whether index for location exists or not
php bin/console phoenix:elasticsearch:index --name=location exists
// Displays settings of index for location
php bin/console phoenix:elasticsearch:index --name=location settings
// Displays mappings of index for location
php bin/console phoenix:elasticsearch:index --name=location mappings
// Updates settings in index for location
php bin/console phoenix:elasticsearch:index --name=location update-settings
// Updates settings in index for location
php bin/console phoenix:elasticsearch:index --name=location update-mappings
// Index single document of location of ID given
php bin/console phoenix:elasticsearch:document --index=location --id=10 sync-by-id
// Index all documents of location
php bin/console phoenix:elasticsearch:document --index=location sync
// Delete all documents of location
php bin/console phoenix:elasticsearch:document --index=location delete-all
// Delete single document of given ID of location
php bin/console phoenix:elasticsearch:document --index=location --id=10 delete-by-id
// Displays document of given ID of location
php bin/console phoenix:elasticsearch:document --index=location --id=10 get
- Autocomplete
- Set bundle in packagist, make it composer friendly
- Index deletion - ask confirmation
- Pretty array with settings and mappings display on console
- Reindexing -
- Other APIs -
- Analyzer / tokenizer -
- Aggregation
- Remove bundle and convert this into component