Programing language based in ColorForth and :r4
Actual Version work in a .html in javascript, without server, but the main image is empty.
try in:
- jit wasm compiler.
- connect net,sound,gl,cam,mic.
- deploy in many types.
- IDE for phones
The actual system is a compiler to tokencodes and a engine to run this codes.
Not use the word ")(", only two constructor for modify flow execution:
conditional in the block of words ( .. ?? .. ) is a WHILE
conditional in the front of block of words ?? ( .. ) is a IF
Like ColorForth, not have ELSE!!, but this can be done with code factorization, a good thing!!
remove 16bits access words, and add 64bits, but javascript not have access to 64bits mem, WASM yes, but the interpreter..
redoing all the SO access trow only SYSCALL and SYSMEM, think in many plataform.
redoing interaction work, all animation are with vectors words now.
No have return multiple values, wait for this and need simulate the data stack.
No hace access to return stack, I guess limitate the RSTACK to be balanced and use auxiliary registers.
WASM not have GOTO or JMP, some dificult from compiler.
for now are slow.
The WASM limitation in memory make me rethink this subject. :r4 have no limits to memory, r3 have a invisible chunk when the code has and the visible, linear 0 based memory where the framebuffer, variables and free memory exist.
The words SYSCALL and SYSMEM can disapear if I allocate in this memory too, add interact like old microcomputers.
I try the organization like this. 0 to framebuffer size, the canvas memory, then variables then free.
I like to use 0 like null or nill and the this adreess don't exist for variable.
Then I start make an advance compiler in :r4. I hope get a IDE with advance compiler only, not interpreter.