- 🔭 I’m currently working on Django, Django Rest Framework and Python projects
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Design Patterns, System Architecture, Devops and React.JS
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with Kubernetes, React.JS
- 💬 Ask me about Coffee, be a father, Python and Django
My name is Paulo, I’m from Brazil, living in Canada, British Columbia, and I am a Full-Stack Software Engineer with over seventeen years of experience. My passion is to solve problems using the knowledge that I’ve had in my career.
I’ve been working as a Software Engineer since 2014, before that I was a Database Developer, and my main tech stack are Python, Django, Django Rest Framework, Docker, Distributed Computer with Celery, and AWS.
I have a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and a MBA. In the last eight years I’ve been working in my own company, where I am responsible for IT, and we are doing a good job, having positive feedback and growing every year. In my free time, I enjoy reading books, playing with my daughter, travelling, and spending time with my family. An interesting thing about me is that I love coffee, and indeed I developed a platform to help people like me to find Brazilian’s Special Coffee. My new project is a platform to help people to find best prices for their Brazilian Craft Beer - https://buscacerveja.com.br
- https://www.buscacafe.com.br
- https://www.buscacerveja.com.br
- https://www.octomotors.com.br
- https://www.findmotors.com.br
- https://www.integradordeanuncios.com.br
- https://www.lojaconectada.com.br
- https://www.buscarveiculos.com.br
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