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This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 30, 2020. It is now read-only.

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173 lines (119 loc) · 5.83 KB

File metadata and controls

173 lines (119 loc) · 5.83 KB


Hi! First off, we're excited that you're interested in contributing. Thank you and welcome!

JXAX is an open-source automation extensions kit, which means that it is meant to be extended by its users and community. Also, when it comes to automation, it's very likely that several or a lot of people share similar workflows, and an automation can help several or a lot of people. Hence, it's always helpful sharing your automation even if it's initially just helpful to you (JXAX was started like that), as it may happen that someone in the community is interested in your automation, uses it and then extends it to help you back and other people. 💚

With that being said, here we welcome everyone to contribute their automation via pull requests, to file issues on GitHub, to help people asking for help, to help triage, reproduce, or fix bugs that people have filed, to add to our documentation, or to help out in any other way. All types of contributions are encouraged and valued. 💪🏻

Adding an automation to JXAX is easy! See quick instruction to add a command.

Create an issue

Every contributions should start with an issue, creating an issue to:

  • Ask for support. ❔
  • Request a feature. 💡
  • Report a bug. 🐞
  • Describe a feature you're going to add. 🔨

Submit a pull request

Please create an issue describing what you're going to add or fix before submitting a PR, which helps avoid cases your features are not related to JXAX or there're others working on similar issues.

If the issue is agreed, start writing your PR following:

  • Create a fork of deskp/jxax to your Github account/organization.
  • Commit your changes.
  • Submit a PR to deskp/jxax branch master.
  • Make sure your PR is rebased onto the latest master, we enforce linear history in master for better maintance experience.
  • Make sure your PR passes our CI (see Actions). If it failed, please fix it. If the CI keeps failing due to unrelated reason, @mention one of our maintainer and describe the issue in the PR so that we can fix it and get your PR merged.
  • Once your PR passed the CI, one of our maintainer will review it. We may give some feedback and ask for changes. Please help collaborate with us in which cases.
  • Once your PR is approved, ship it! 🚀
  • Congrats! You've just made a contribution. 🎉

Development setup

You'll need Node.js version 12+ and Yarn.

After cloning the repo, run:

$ yarn # Install the project's dependencies.

Commit changes

We enforce Conventional Commits for commit messages so that changelogs and releases can be generated automatically. Please get yourself familiar with it before commiting your changes.

Commonly used commands

$ yarn start # Watch for changes and rebuild dist/jxax.js.

$ osascript dist/jxax.js # Run newly built dist/jxax.js with osascript.

$ yarn build # Build dist/jxax.js in production mode.

Code style

We follow Airbnb code style in all JavaScript files and use Prettier to enforce formatting in all other resource files (.yml, .json, .md, etc).

Use VSCode

We recommend using VSCode (or Visual Studio Code) for development. We've already configured it to be fully integrated with other tools used in the project (Prettier, ESLint, etc).

Project structure

  • *src/apps/: JXAX applications/commands, you're most-likely interested in this and only this directory as it's where to add an automation. Go there and see a command, they're very straightforward, you'll probably be able to write a command right after.

  • src/bin/: CLI implementation.

  • src/core/: core modules exporting common classes and functions for working with JXA.

  • src/reporters/: presentation implementation displaying workflows, jobs progress and results.

  • src/utils.js: common JS utility used in other modules.

  • docs/: documentation.

  • .vscode/: VSCode configuration.

  • .devcontainer/: VSCode Remote-Containers configuration for developing in containers with VSCode.

  • .github/: Github workflows and configuration.

  • scripts/: chore & build scripts.

Add a command

Commands are extensible automation units in JXAX, each command plays a distinct automation. Apps are groups of commands, located in src/apps directory.

Go to src/apps and create a directory for your app or select an existing one (e.g. finder).

Create a JS source file to write your command, e.g. eject.js for ejecting a disk or USB.

Write the command function:

import { access } from "@core/app";

function run(args) {
  const { name } = args;
  const finder = access("Finder");

Export the command along with its arguments schema and description.

export default {
  description: "Eject a disk or USB",
  args: {
    name: {
      type: "string",
      description: "Name of the disk or USB to be ejected",

The command's args and description are required to auto-generate validation and documentation.

Add your command to JXAX library in src/bin/library.js.

// Other imports.
// ...
import finderEject from "apps/finder/eject";

const library = {
  // Other commands.
  // ....
  "finder.eject": finderEject,

Done 🎊! You've just finished creating a PR, it can now be used in a workflow YAML or in OSA scripts through Library('JXAX'). Submit a PR now!


Thank you to all the people who have already contributed to JXAX!