Chatbot to answer questions about api services.
Api specification about pets.
$ git init .
and link it to the cloud repo. e.g.:
$ git remote add origin
$ git branch -M main
$ git push -uf origin main
To generate the containerized app and run it on-prem or on a VM, follow these steps:
- Build the Docker image:
docker build -t mrag .
- Run the Docker container:
docker run -it -p 8046:8046 mrag
To interact with the assistant, open your browser. e.g., http://localhost:8046
- LangChain
- Gradio
- AzureOpenAI llm: gpt 3.5 turbo
- AzureOpenAI embeddings: text-embedding-ada-002
- Vector stores: Chroma
- Jupyter notebooks
- Python