Themis provides cross-row/cross-table transaction on HBase based on google's Percolator.
pingcap/themis is forked from XiaoMi/themis, with some optimizations for SQL layer.
- Batch prewrite/commit secondary rows.
- Asynchronous clean secondary locks (commit secondary rows in background).
- Add batch get APIs.
- Add golang client: pingcap/go-themis
depends on hbase >= 0.98.5 with hadoop.version=2.0.0-alpha.
Tested on Oracle JDK7
- Get the latest source code of Themis:
git clone
- Build Themis
cd themis
mvn clean package -DskipTests
- Copy themis coprocessor to $HBASE_ROOT/lib/
cp themis-coprocessor/target/themis-coprocessor-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar $HBASE_ROOT/lib
- Add configurations for themis coprocessor in hbase-site.xml:
- Restart HBase.
- Enjoy it.
- Buffer recent committed primary locks in region server for fast conflict checking.
- SQL pushdown.