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Releases: pingcap/tidb

tidb-server v6.6.0

20 Feb 03:52
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For new features, improvements, and bug fixes released in 6.6.0 for tidb server, see TiDB 6.6.0 release notes.

tidb-server v6.1.4

08 Feb 03:16
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Bug fixes

  • Fix the memory leakage issue when TiDB Lightning imports a huge source data file #39331 @dsdashun
  • Fix the issue that TiDB Lightning prechecks cannot find dirty data left by previously failed imports #39477 @dsdashun

tidb-server v6.5.0

29 Dec 03:09
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For new features, improvements, and bug fixes released in 6.5.0 for tidb server, see TiDB 6.5.0 release notes.

tidb-server v5.1.5

28 Dec 03:06
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Bug fixes

  • Fix the issue that the window function causes TiDB to panic instead of reporting an error #30326
  • Fix the wrong result that occurs when enabling dynamic mode in partitioned tables for TiFlash #37254
  • Fix wrong results of GREATEST and LEAST when passing in unsigned BIGINT arguments #30101
  • Fix wrong results of deleting data of multiple tables using left join #31321
  • Fix the issue that the result of concat(ifnull(time(3))) in TiDB is different from that in MySQL #29498
  • Fix the issue that the SQL statements that contain cast(integer as char) union string return wrong results #29513
  • Fix the issue that INL_HASH_JOIN might hang when used with LIMIT #35638
  • Fix the wrong ANY_VALUE result that occurs when a Region returns empty data #30923
  • Fix wrong results of index join caused by an innerWorker panic #31494
  • Fix the issue that a SQL operation is canceled when its JSON type column joins its CHAR type column #29401
  • Fix the issue that the background HTTP service of TiDB might not exit successfully and makes the cluster in an abnormal state #30571
  • Fix the issue that concurrent column type change causes inconsistency between the schema and the data #31048
  • Fix the issue that KILL TIDB cannot take effect immediately on idle connections #24031
  • Fix the bug that setting any session variable will make tidb_snapshot fail to work #35515
  • Fix the issue that the Region cache is not cleaned up in time when the Region is merged #37141
  • Fix the panic issue caused by the connection array race in the KV client #33773
  • Fix the issue that when TiDB Binlog is enabled, executing the ALTER SEQUENCE statement might cause a wrong metadata version and cause Drainer to exit #36276
  • Fix the bug that TiDB may panic when querying statement summary tables #35340
  • Fix the issue that TiDB gets the wrong result when using TiFlash to scan tables with empty range although TiFlash does not support reading tables with empty range yet #33083
  • Fix the issue that the avg() function returns ERROR 1105 (HY000): other error for mpp stream: Could not convert to the target type - -value is out of range. when queried from TiFlash #29952
  • Fix the issue that ERROR 1105 (HY000): close of nil channel is returned when using HashJoinExec #30289
  • Fix the issue that TiKV and TiFlash return different results when querying logical operations #37258
  • Fix the issue that the EXECUTE statement might throw an unexpected error in specific scenarios #37187
  • Fix the planner wrong behaviors that occur when tidb_opt_agg_push_down and tidb_enforce_mpp are enabled #34465
  • Fix a bug that TiDB might send coprocessor requests when executing the SHOW COLUMNS statement #36496
  • Add warnings for lock tables and unlock tables when the enable-table-lock flag is not enabled #28967
  • Fix the issue that range partitions allow multiple MAXVALUE partitions #36329

tidb-server v6.1.3

05 Dec 03:18
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Bug fixes

  • Fix the issue that restore tasks fail when using old framework for collations in databases or tables #39150 @MoCuishle28

tidb-server v6.4.0

17 Nov 02:58
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  • Allow modifying the noop variable lc_messages #38231 @djshow832
  • Support the AUTO_RANDOM column as the first column of the clustered composite index #38572 @tangenta
  • Use pessimistic transactions in internal transaction retry to avoid retry failure and reduce time consumption #38136 @jackysp
  • Improve the mechanism for loading the metadata. The metadata is loaded into memory only when necessary, which significantly reduces the memory usage during PITR #38404 @YuJuncen
  • Optimize the file scanning logic to accelerate the scan of schema files #38598 @dsdashun

Bug fixes

  • Fix the potential issue of index inconsistency that occurs after you create a new index #38165 @tangenta
  • Fix a permission issue of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TIKV_REGION_STATUS table #38407 @CbcWestwolf
  • Fix the issue that the grantor field is missing in the mysql.tables_priv table #38293 @CbcWestwolf
  • Fix the issue that the join result of common table expressions might be wrong #38170 @wjhuang2016
  • Fix the issue that the union result of common table expressions might be wrong #37928 @YangKeao
  • Fix the issue that the information in the transaction region num monitoring panel is incorrect #38139 @jackysp
  • Fix the issue that the system variable tidb_constraint_check_in_place_pessimistic might affect internal transactions. The variable scope is modified to SESSION. #38766
  • Fix the issue that conditions in a query are mistakenly pushed down to projections #35623 @Reminiscent
  • Fix the issue that the wrong isNullRejected check results for AND and OR cause wrong query results #38304 @Yisaer
  • Fix the issue that ORDER BY in GROUP_CONCAT is not considered when the outer join is eliminated, which causes wrong query results #18216 @winoros
  • Fix the issue of the wrong query result that occurs when the mistakenly pushed-down conditions are discarded by Join Reorder #38736 @winoros
  • Fix the restoration failure issue caused by PD leader switch during the restoration process #36910 @MoCuishle28
  • Fix the issue that the log backup task cannot be paused #38250 @joccau
  • Fix the issue that when BR deletes log backup data, it mistakenly deletes data that should not be deleted #38939 @Leavrth
  • Fix the issue that BR fails to delete data when deleting the log backup data stored in Azure Blob Storage or Google Cloud Storage for the first time #38229 @Leavrth
  • Fix the import performance degradation when importing the Apache Parquet files to the target tables that contain the string type columns in thebinary encoding format #38351 @dsdashun

tidb-server v5.3.4

24 Nov 04:24
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Bug fixes

  • Fix the issue that the Region cache is not cleaned up in time when the Region is merged #37141
  • Fix the issue that TiDB writes wrong data due to the wrong encoding of the ENUM or SET column #32302
  • Fix the issue that database-level privileges are incorrectly cleaned up #38363
  • Fix the issue that the grantor field is missing in the mysql.tables_priv table #38293
  • Fix the issue that KILL TIDB cannot take effect immediately on idle connections #24031
  • Fix the issue that the return type of date_add and date_sub is different between TiDB and MySQL #36394, #27573
  • Fix the incorrect INSERT_METHOD value when Parser restores table options #38368
  • Fix the issue that authentication fails when a MySQL client of v5.1 or earlier connects to the TiDB server #29725
  • Fix wrong results of GREATEST and LEAST when passing in unsigned BIGINT arguments #30101
  • Fix the issue that the result of concat(ifnull(time(3)) in TiDB is different from that in MySQL #29498
  • Fix the issue that the avg() function returns ERROR 1105 (HY000): other error for mpp stream: Could not convert to the target type - -value is out of range. when queried from TiFlash #29952
  • Fix the issue that ERROR 1105 (HY000): close of nil channel is returned when using HashJoinExec #30289
  • Fix the issue that TiKV and TiFlash return different results when querying logical operations #37258
  • Fix the issue that the EXPLAIN ANALYZE statement with DML executors might return result before the transaction commit finishes #37373
  • Fix the issue that Region cache is not cleared properly after merging many Regions #37174
  • Fix the issue that the EXECUTE statement might throw an unexpected error in specific scenarios #37187
  • Fix the issue that GROUP CONCAT with ORDER BY might fail when the ORDER BY clause contains a correlated subquery #18216
  • Fix wrong results returned when length and width are incorrectly set for Decimal and Real when using plan cache #29565

tidb-server v6.1.2

24 Oct 04:31
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  • Allow setting placement rules and TiFlash replicas at the same time in one table #37171 @lcwangchao

Bug fixes

  • Fix the issue that database-level privileges are incorrectly cleaned up #38363 @dveeden
  • Fix the incorrect output of SHOW CREATE PLACEMENT POLICY #37526 @xhebox
  • Fix the issue that when one PD node goes down, the query of information_schema.TIKV_REGION_STATUS fails due to not retrying other PD nodes #35708 @tangenta
  • Fix the issue that the UNION operator might return unexpected empty result #36903 @tiancaiamao
  • Fix the wrong result that occurs when enabling dynamic mode in partitioned tables for TiFlash #37254 @wshwsh12
  • Fix the issue that the Region cache is not cleaned up in time when the Region is merged #37141 @sticnarf
  • Fix the issue that the KV client sends unnecessary ping messages #36861 @jackysp
  • Fix the issue that the EXPLAIN ANALYZE statement with DML executors might return result before the transaction commit finishes #37373 @cfzjywxk
  • Fix the issue that GROUP CONCAT with ORDER BY might fail when the ORDER BY clause contains a correlated subquery #18216 @winoros
  • Fix the issue that Can't find column is reported if an UPDATE statement contains common table expressions (CTE) #35758 @AilinKid
  • Fix the issue that the EXECUTE might throw an unexpected error in specific scenarios #37187 @Reminiscent

tidb-server v5.4.3

13 Oct 06:35
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Bug fixes

  • Fix the incorrect output of SHOW CREATE PLACEMENT POLICY #37526
  • Fix the issue that some DDL statements might be stuck for a period after the PD node of a cluster is replaced #33908
  • Fix the issue that KILL TIDB cannot take effect immediately on idle connections #24031
  • Fix the issue that incorrect results are returned in the DATA_TYPE and COLUMN_TYPE columns when querying the INFORMSTION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS system table #36496
  • Fix the issue that when TiDB Binlog is enabled, executing the ALTER SEQUENCE statement might cause a wrong metadata version and cause Drainer to exit #36276
  • Fix the issue that the UNION operator might return unexpected empty result #36903
  • Fix the wrong result that occurs when enabling dynamic mode in partitioned tables for TiFlash #37254
  • Fix the issue that INL_HASH_JOIN might hang when used with LIMIT #35638
  • Fix the issue that TiDB might return the invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference error when executing the SHOW WARNINGS statement #31569
  • Fix the invalid transaction error that occurs when performing Stale Read in the RC isolation level #30872
  • Fix the issue that the EXPLAIN ANALYZE statement with DML executors might return result before the transaction commit finishes #37373
  • Fix the issue of the data and columnID count not match error that occurs when inserting duplicated values with TiDB Binlog enabled #33608
  • Fix the issue that in the static partition prune mode, SQL statements with an aggregate condition might return wrong result when the table is empty #35295
  • Fix the issue that TiDB might panic when executing the UPDATE statement #32311
  • Fix the issue of wrong query result because the UnionScan operator cannot maintain the order #33175
  • Fix the issue that the UPDATE statements incorrectly eliminate the projection in some cases, which causes the Can't find column error #37568
  • Fix the issue that partitioned tables cannot fully use indexes to scan data in some cases #33966
  • Fix the issue that the EXECUTE might throw an unexpected error in specific scenarios #37187
  • Fix the issue that TiDB might return wrong results when using a BIT type index with prepared plan cache enabled #33067

tidb-server v6.3.0

30 Sep 02:35
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  • TiDB is now case-insensitive to the target table name when checking the table existence #34610 @tiancaiamao
  • Improve MySQL compatibility by adding a parsing check when setting the value of init_connect #35324 @CbcWestwolf
  • Improve the log warning generated for new connections #34964 @xiongjiwei
  • Optimize the HTTP API for querying DDL history jobs, and add support for the start_job_id parameter #35838 @tiancaiamao
  • Report errors when the JSON path has wrong syntax #22525 #34959 @xiongjiwei
  • Improve the performance of Join operations by fixing a false sharing issue #37641 @gengliqi
  • Support exporting the execution plan information of multiple SQL statements at a time using PLAN REPLAYER, which makes troubleshooting more efficient #37798 @Yisaer

Bug fixes

  • Fix the issue that the privilege check is skipped for PREPARE statements #35784 @lcwangchao
  • Fix the issue that the system variable tidb_enable_noop_variable can be set to WARN #36647 @lcwangchao
  • Fix the issue that when an expression index is defined, the ORDINAL_POSITION column of the INFORMAITON_SCHEMA.COLUMNS table might be incorrect #31200 @bb7133
  • Fix the issue that TiDB does not report an error when the timestamp is larger than MAXINT32 #31585 @bb7133
  • Fix the issue that TiDB server cannot be started when the enterprise plugin is used #37319 @xhebox
  • Fix the incorrect output of SHOW CREATE PLACEMENT POLICY #37526 @xhebox
  • Fix the unexpected EXCHANGE PARTITION behaviors with temporary tables #37201 @lcwangchao
  • Fix the issue that querying INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TIKV_REGION_STATUS returns an incorrect result @zimulala
  • Fix the issue that the EXPLAIN query on views does not check privileges #34326 @hawkingrei
  • Fix the issue that JSON null cannot be updated to NULL #37852 @YangKeao
  • Fix the issue that row_count of DDL jobs is inaccurate #25968 @Defined2014
  • Fix the issue that FLASHBACK TABLE does not work properly #37386 @tiancaiamao
  • Fix the issue of failing to handle prepared statement flags in the typical MySQL protocol #36731 @dveeden
  • Fix the issue of incorrect TiDB status that might appear on startup in some extreme cases #36791 @xhebox
  • Fix the issue that INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VARIABLES_INFO does not comply with security enhanced mode (SEM) #37586 @CbcWestwolf
  • Fix the issue that casting string to string goes wrong in queries with UNION #31678 @cbcwestwolf
  • Fix the wrong result that occurs when enabling dynamic mode in partitioned tables for TiFlash #37254 @wshwsh12
  • Fix the issue that the cast and comparison between binary strings and JSON in TiDB are incompatible with MySQL #31918 #25053 @YangKeao
  • Fix the issue that JSON_OBJECTAGG and JSON_ARRAYAGG in TiDB are not compatible with MySQL on binary values #25053 @YangKeao
  • Fix the issue that the comparison between JSON opaque values causes panic #37315 @YangKeao
  • Fix the issue that the single precision float cannot be used in JSON aggregation funtions #37287 @YangKeao
  • Fix the issue that the UNION operator might return unexpected empty result #36903 @tiancaiamao
  • Fix the issue that the result of the castRealAsTime expression is inconsistent with MySQL #37462 @mengxin9014
  • Fix the issue that pessimistic DML operations lock non-unique index keys #36235 @ekexium
  • Fix the issue that auto-commit change affects transaction commit behaviours #36581 @cfzjywxk
  • Fix the issue that the EXPLAIN ANALYZE statement with DML executors might return result before the transaction commit finishes #37373 @cfzjywxk
  • Fix the issue that the UPDATE statements incorrectly eliminate the projection in some cases, which causes the Can't find column error #37568 @AilinKid
  • Fix the issue that the Join Reorder operation will mistakenly push down its Outer Join condition #37238 @AilinKid
  • Fix the issue that the IN and NOT IN subqueries in some patterns report the Can't find column error #37032 @AilinKid
  • Fix the issue that Can't find column is reported if an UPDATE statement contains common table expressions (CTE) #35758 @AilinKid
  • Fix incorrect PromQL #35856 @Defined2014