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PingOne for Customers Node.js client SDK

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The official PingOne for Customers(P14C) SDK for Node.js, that allows Node.js applications to operate with P14C platform APIs without user interaction.

For release notes, see the CHANGELOG.



  1. Requirements
  2. Installation
  3. Getting Started
  4. Authentication Flows


  • P14C account (if you don’t have an existing one, please register it).
  • P14C worker application. To access PingOne resources the application should be configured with a client_credentials grant type, the application's type property must be set to WORKER and the worker application should be assigned one or more roles.
  • Node.js version 10.13.0 or higher.


To start and play with p14c-nodejs-sdk you need to:

  1. Install all requirements using: npm install or yarn install
  2. This library needs a newly build version of @ping-identity/p14c-js-sdk-core from github rather from npm registry. So, you need to make this little tweak:
cd .. && git clone
cp ./pingone-javascript-sdk/packages/core/dist/node/@ping-identity/p14c-js-sdk-core.js ./pingone-node-sdk/node_modules/@ping-identity/p14c-nodejs-sdk/node_modules/@ping-identity/p14c-js-sdk-core/dist/@ping-identity

Getting Started

Step 1: Configure the client object

Configure PingOneApiClient object that will allow your application to make authorized API requests. You should only have one instance of the client with scopes your application is requesting permission to access.

This SDK works with administrator applications that use role assignments to determine the actions a user or client can perform. So the access tokens do not use scopes to control access to resources. Instead, the actor's role assignments determine resource access.

You can create PingOneApiClient in 2 ways:

  1. with clientId and clientSecret parameters that behind the scenes will use Client Credentials Grant to obtain the access_token and will be cached for the duration of the returned expires_in value.
const PingOneApiClient = require("@ping-identity/p14c-nodejs-sdk");

const pingApiClient = new PingOneApiClient({
  environmentId: "environmentId",
  clientId: "clientId",
  clientSecret: "clientSecret"
  1. with accessToken parameter obtained from P14C admin console in "Configuration" tab.
const PingOneApiClient = require("@ping-identity/p14c-nodejs-sdk");

const pingApiClient = new PingOneApiClient({
  environmentId: "environmentId",  
  accessToken: "accessToken"

, where

  • environmentId: Required. Your application's Environment ID. You can find this value at your Application's Settings under Configuration tab from the admin console( extract xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx string that specifies the environment 128-bit universally unique identifier (UUID) right from https://auth.pingone .com/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/as/authorize AUTHORIZATION URL ). Or from the Settings main menu (ENVIRONMENT ID variable)

  • clientId: Required in the #1 way. Your application's client UUID. You can find this value at Application's Settings under Configuration tab from the admin console.

  • clientSecret: Required in the #1 way. Your application's client secret.

  • accessToken: Required in the #2 way. Access token retrieved from the admin console.

  • API_URI: Optional. P14C API base endpoint (default value is

  • AUTH_URI: Optional. P14C Authentication base endpoint (default value is

const PingOneApiClient = require("@ping-identity/p14c-nodejs-sdk");

const pingApiClient = new PingOneApiClient({
  environmentId: "environmentId",
  accessToken: "accessToken",

  API_URI: "",
  AUTH_URI: ""

Step 2: Calling the API

Method Name Description
addUser(email, username, populationId) Create a new user
deleteUser(userId) Delete a user
findUser(userName) Find a user by his name or email
updateUser(userId, firstName, lastName) Update user first and last names
getPasswordPattern() Get all password policies for an environment to get the default one. It will be used for password verification on the client side
getPopulations() Get all populations for a new user registration
sendRecoveryCode(userId) Send password recovery code
recoverPassword(userId, recoveryCode, newPassword) Recover a forgotten password
changePassword(userId, currentPassword, newPassword) Self-change reset of user password
setPassword(userId, password, forceChange = false) Administrative-change reset of user password

Authentication Flows

Client credentials Grant

This SDK is build for Node.js based web applications that run within a typical deployment model - on a secure server.
In such cases the assumption holds — the application can authenticate securely and PKCE is unnecessary.

Client credentials flow is used to obtain the access_token.

Authorization Code Grant using Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)

Although with Node.js, JavaScript is not limited to the front-end only, but works outside of the browser as well. With frameworks such as Electron or NW.js, it’s possible to develop native desktop applications using web technologies like HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Desktop and mobile applications can be distributed directly to end-users, thereby any secrets embedded within are no longer secret, and could be publicly known.

As a result, PKCE is necessary in these cases.

For such cases you should use PingOne SDK for JavaScript that allows you to expose self-managed user authenticated APIs.


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