Vulpa [wool-pah] is a YouTube livestream bot built using the Yukibot framework for unique interactivity both on screen and in the chat.
- Earn currency by sending messages in chat and using certain commands
- currency is persisted to file
* @command _name_ <required> [optional]
Command rate-limitingglobal & user
- Fox
Remake Yuki the websocket animation and their commands- add passive reactivity to superchats, donations, etc
- following
- time user has been sub'ed to channel
Bank/Wallet>rankshows user rank with respect to wallet/bank
- >hug {user?}
- hugs user or random user
- >lovemeter {user?}
- $userid is $randnum(100)% in love with $dummy $touser
- should have cost
- Raidboss fighting
- UI
route that displays the money leaderboard- refactor css
- potentially rebuild with svelte?
- fix speech bubble