Features :
-> login
-> after successfully logging in a user sees all the incoming concerts and the ones with no tickets available are marked with red
-> sell tickets : after selecting a concert the user will introduce the purchaser's name and will chose the number of tickets to be sold
-> view all artists who perform on a particular date
-> logout
tema1 -> domain classes, repository hierarchy & implementations using ADO.NET System.Data.SQLite provider; logging using log4net
tema2 -> service layer done + forms for GUI
tema3 -> refactoring into a client-server app which uses TCP communication, serialized objects protocol and proxy pattern
tema4 -> using .NET Remoting for networking
tema5 -> cross plaform app (C# server & Java client) using Google Protobufs
tema6 -> trying some relational mapping with Entity Framework
tema7_restClient -> testing rest endpoints made in Java app