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dotfiles for the developer happiness: macOS, zsh, brew, VSCode, Python, Rust


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pivoshenko's dotfiles


hooks buymeacoffee standwithukraine standwithukraine wakatime


What's in here?

Main principles

  • Minimalism in everything
  • Consistency
  • Simplicity
  • One style - JetBrainsMono font and Catppuccin color palette
  • Reduced visual noise, only important things should be shown
  • "Please, do not touch my code" - minimal auto-formatting or code flow interruptions
  • Security - do not share anything with anyone



I am planning to use dotbot to set everything instead of ansible and dotdrop as it doesn't require any external dependencies and can be used as a submodule

I am using dotdrop to manage dotfiles and ansible to set things up. Steps:

  1. Clone this repo with: git clone dotfiles
  2. cd dotfiles/
  3. Run the following commands to install the necessary tooling:
# install core: homebrew, zsh, oh-my-zsh and configs (optional)
ansible-playbook playbooks/shell.yaml

# install dependencies
ansible-playbook playbooks/dependencies.yaml
  1. Run the following commands to install configs:
dotdrop -c "dotdrop.yaml" -p base install -f

# macOS only!
dotdrop -c "dotdrop.yaml" -p macos install -f


I am using brew to install all free apps for my Mac. I also sync apps from the App Store with brew via mas, so the resulting Brewfile contains everything.



Here's a list of extensions I use daily, but I try to keep my VSCode setup as simple as possible.

I also quite heavily use helix for in-terminal editing. You can find my helix and LSPs configuration here.

Hotkey Daemons

Because I am using a primarily external keyboard and in most of my apps I rely on either Vi/Kakoune motions I find it painful to use the mouse as it requires moving my right hand out of the keyboard and distracts my "zen" state :3 In most the dev apps you can enable such modes but in the default MacOS apps or windows manager such functionality is absent To resolve this issue I am using two daemons:

  • Karabiner - to enable the Vi motions system-wise and rebind some of the keys for example caps lock -> lctrl
  • skhd - to manage keybinding for tilling window manager

Tiling Windows Manager

As my main tiling windows manager I am using yabai which is light and very configurable. It works perfectly with skhd which allows me to focus and modify the layout without distractions.


I am using iTerm2 and zellij as my main terminal. As the main shell I am using zsh with oh-my-zsh and starship. To manage shell plugins I am using zplug. I also have some tools/scripts/aliases to make my working experience better. But, I try to keep them minimal: only ones I truly use.

I mainly work with:

  • Python

I also have several other languages installed. But I don't use them daily:

  • Rust
  • Ruby


I use fzf for several tasks:

  • tab to autocomplete probably all the tools using fzf-tab


  • ctrl+r to fuzzy search command history


  • ctrl+t to fuzzy search files and dirs in the current tree to include paths in commands with instant previews for text files (content) and directories (inner tree)


  • ctrl+k to fuzzy search files by name and open/edit them


  • ctrl+f to fuzzy search files by content and open/edit them



  • z <name> tab to enable fuzzy finder for zoxide


Local configuration

Some of the used tools require local configuration, such as git with username and email.

Here's the full list:

  • ~/.gitconfig.local to store any user-specific data
  • ~/.shell/.local to store local shell config, like usernames, passwords, tokens, gpg keys etc