A skilled and passionate software developer with expertise in backend development, cloud computing, and frontend developement. Experienced in working with a variety of technologies including JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, NodeJS, ExpressJS, Serverless Application Model, Mongoose, Firebase, ReactJS, Bootstrap, Git, MongoDB, Redis, AWS Cloud, TerraForm, and Elastic Cloud. Committed to delivering high-quality solutions and continuously expanding knowledge in the ever-evolving tech landscape.
Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, C++, YAML
Frameworks/Libraries: NodeJS, ExpressJS, Serverless Application Model, Mongoose, Firebase, ReactJS, TRPC
Tools & Technologies: Git, MongoDB, Redis, Queues Architecture, APM, GitHub, MySQL, Docker, Helm, CI/CD, AWS Cloud, TerraForm, Elastic Cloud
Expertise Areas: Backend Development, Cloud Computing, Frontend Development
- Worked on their backend to create new features, APIs, automated tasks, and workflows.
- Created automated workflows to streamline the recruiter's work and improve efficiency.
- Developed highly dynamic emails architecture and automated Lambda functions to support the marketing team's with user campaigns.
- Developed the queue based serverless architecture for their Email services.
- Worked on their Database syncing flows and improved the visibility by enabiling logs and handling faliure using retry methods.
- Contributed to the improvement of their cloud tech architecture and help them saving around $1500 per month on AWS.
- Technologies Used: NodeJS, ExpressJS, AWS, TypeScript, MongoDB, Git, Firebase, Elastic, GPT-4, MailModo, Bigquery, Aloglia, APM.
- Set up the product infrastructure on AWS Cloud from scratch.
- Created the terraform and linux scripts for the deployment of their product.
- Created CI/CD pipeline along side using Helm, ArgoCD, AWS EKS, Docker, etc.
- Implemented detailed monitoring of APIs and tools using Grafana, CloudWatch, and other monitoring tools.
- Technologies Used: TerraForm, Helm, AWS, Kubernetes, Shell Scripting, ArgoCD, Camunda, Prometheus, Docker, Redis, CI pipelines.
- Created a customized Admin Dashboard to manage the website and apps.
- Designed and developed an application architecture similar to TikTok (Picxls).
- Worked on video compression, payment gateways, custom e-book creation from JSON data, image compression, chat application, etc.
- Tech Stack: JavaScript, ReactJS, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, CSS, Bootstrap, Material UI, GitHub, Nginx, Redux, GraphQL, AWS.
E-commerce Site (Link)
- An e-commerce website enabling users to shop and pay online for products.
- Allows admin to add new products and manage orders and payment status.
- Tech Stack: NodeJS, ExpressJS, ReactJS, Redux, PayPal Payment API, Bcrypt, MongoDB, Bootstrap.
GitHub Users Data Application (Link)
- A website allowing users to find information about any GitHub user's repository.
- Tech Stack: ReactJS, React Hooks, Chart.js, GitHub Data API.
Burger Builder Application (Link)
- A website allowing users to create customized burgers.
- Tech Stack: ReactJS, React Hooks, Firebase.
- Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology (GPA: 9.05)
- Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India (Aug 2019 - May 2023)
- Courses: Operating Systems, Data Structures, Analysis of Algorithms, Object-Oriented Programming in C++
- Achieved Udemy Certification of Ultimate AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate (March 2022)
- Achieved Udemy Certification of MERN Stack Development Course (Feb 2021)
- Email: 20piyushmittal@gmail.com