A Fortran library for input/output of SU files, independent from the Seismic Unix package
make install
your_fortran_compiler -o main.e main.f90 -I/path/to/include -L/path/to/lib -lsuio
use suio, only: SuFile, SuTrace, SuHeader, su_input, su_output
type(SuFile):: sf, so
type(SuTrace):: trc
type(SuHeader):: sh
integer:: fldr, tracf, ns, dt, ntr
real,allocatable:: array(:)
! set ns and allocate data array
! open: read
sf = su_input('input.su',ns=ns,ntr=ntr)
sf = SuFile('input.su','r')
ns = sf%ns()
ntr= sf%ntr() ! for file input only (not for stdin input)
! open: write
so = su_output(xdr=.true.) ! stdout, XDR format
so = SuFile('output.su','w')
! close
call sf%close()
! read trace
do itr=1,ntr
call sf%read(trc)
! read header
do itr=1,ntr
call sf%read(sh,itr)
! write trace
do itr=1,ntr
call sf%write(trc)
! read header, keyword, data
call trc%get(fldr=fldr, tracf=tracf, header=sh, data=array)
! write header, keyword, data
call trc%set(fldr=fldr, tracf=tracf, header=sh, data=array)
! trace, header generator
trc = SuTrace(header=sh, fldr=fldr, ns=ns, dt=dt, data=array)
sh = SuHeader(fldr=fldr, ns=ns, dt=dt)
SU IO handles su files using two derived data types: SuFile and SuTrace.
use suio, only: SuFile, SuTrace, su_input, su_output
type(SuFile):: sf
type(SuTrace):: trc
We use su_input
function or SuFile
generator to open an SU file for input.
type(SuFile):: sf
! use su_input function
sf = su_input(filename,xdr,ns,ntr)
! or the generator
sf = SuFile(filename,mode='r',xdr,ns,ntr)
Their interfaces are
!! file input
type(SuFile) function su_input(filename, xdr, ns, ntr)
character(len=*),intent(in):: filename
logical,intent(in),optional:: xdr
integer,intent(out),optional:: ns, ntr
end function
!! standard input
type(SuFile) function su_input(xdr, ns)
logical,intent(in),optional:: xdr
integer,intent(out),optional:: ns
end function
!! file input/output
type(SuFile) function SuFile(filename, mode, xdr, ns, ntr)
character(len=*),intent(in):: filename
character,intent(in):: mode
logical,intent(in),optional:: xdr
integer,intent(out),optional:: ns, ntr
end function
!! standard input/output
type(SuFile) function SuFile(mode, xdr, ns)
character,intent(in):: mode
logical,intent(in),optional:: xdr
integer,intent(out),optional:: ns
end function
- All arguments are optional.
is an su file name to read. If we omitfileanme
, the module reads traces from the standard input.xdr=.false.
is a logical value. Default value is.false.
and it means that the su file is in native binary format. Usexdr=.true.
to read XDR-formatted su file.ns
is an integer output and it is the number of samples in a trace.ntr
is an integer output and it is the number of traces in the su file.ntr
is not available for su files from the standard input.mode
should be 'r' or 'R' for input, 'w' or 'W' for output.
Once we open an SU file, we can read data trace by trace using su%read
, su%fread
, and su%trace
. Their interfaces are
subroutine read(sf,trc,itr,eof)
type(SuFile),intent(inout):: sf
type(SuTrace),intent(out):: trc
integer,intent(in),optional:: itr
logical,intent(out),optional:: eof
end subroutine
logical function fread(sf,trc,itr)
type(SuFile),intent(inout):: sf
type(SuTrace),intent(out):: trc
integer,intent(in),optional:: itr
end function
type(SuTrace) function trace(sf,itr)
type(SuFile),intent(inout):: sf
integer,intent(in),optional:: itr
end function
- Optional input
is the trace number. We can read a specific trace usingitr
. If we omititr
, the module reads traces sequentially from the first trace. - Optional output
is .true. at the end of a file, whilefread
is .false. at the end of a file.
type(SuTrace):: trc
! we can use sf%read subroutine
! ntr is from su_input or SuFile generator
do itr=1,ntr
call sf%read(trc)
! or su%trace function
do itr=1,ntr
trc = sf%trace()
! or sf%fread function which returns .true. after success and .false. at the end of file. This function can be used with su files from standard input.
do while( sf%fread(trc) )
!! process
We can use SuHeader
type to read a trace header only.
type(SuHeader):: sh
Routines for reading header are similar to those for reading traces. But we use SuHeader
type instead of SuTrace
and the trace number itr
is not optional.
subroutine read(sf,sh,itr,eof)
type(SuFile),intent(inout):: sf
type(SuHeader),intent(out):: sh
integer,intent(in):: itr
logical,intent(out),optional:: eof
end subroutine
logical function fread(sf,sh,itr)
type(SuFile),intent(inout):: sf
type(SuHeader),intent(out):: sh
integer,intent(in):: itr
end function
type(SuHeader) function header(sf,itr)
type(SuFile),intent(inout):: sf
integer,intent(in):: itr
end function
We use get
subroutine and functions with keyword name to obtain header values
type(SuTrace):: trc
type(SuHeader):: sh
integer:: fldr, trace, sx
real:: f1
real,allocatable:: arr(:)
! read trace
! ...
! using 'get' subroutine
call trc%get('fldr',fldr)
call trc%get('f1',f1)
! We can use 'get' subroutine to read trace data (without header)
call trc%get(arr)
! or we can use 'data' function
arr = trc%data()
! We can read multiple header values at once. This one is convenient.
call trc%get(fldr=fldr, tracf=tracf, sx=sx, f1=f1, data=arr)
! Or we can use functions named by the keywords
fldr = trc%fldr()
f1 = trc%f1()
! If we want whole header,
sh = trc%header()
call trc%get(header=sh)
We need traces to write su files.
type(SuTrace):: trc
type(SuHeader):: sh
integer:: ns=3000, dt=4000, sx=10
real:: arr(ns)
! we can use SuHeader type
sh = SuHeader(ns=ns, dt=dt)
trc = SuTrace(header=sh, data=arr)
! or we can generate the SuTrace without SuHeader
trc = SuTrace(ns=ns, dt=dt, sx=sx, data=arr)
We use set
subroutine to set header, keywords, and data.
call sh%set('sx',sx)
call sh%set(sx=sx, dt=dt)
call trc%set('sx',sx)
call trc%set(sx=sx, dt=dt, data=arr)
call trc%set(header=sh)
We open a file for writing to write traces.
type(SuFile):: sf
! use su_output function
sf = su_output(filename,xdr)
! or the generator
sf = SuFile(filename,mode='w',xdr)
Interfaces are
!! file output
type(SuFile) function su_output(filename, xdr)
character(len=*),intent(in),optional:: filename
logical,intent(in),optional:: xdr
end function
!! standard output
type(SuFile) function su_output(xdr)
logical,intent(in),optional:: xdr
end function
Writing is simple. Always write sequentially using so%write
type(SuFile):: sf, so, sd
type(SuTrace):: trc
! open ...
do while( sf%fread(trc) )
call so%write(trc)
The interface is
subroutine write(sf,trc)
type(SuFile),intent(inout):: sf
type(SuTrace),intent(in):: su
end subroutine
After we are done with a SuFile, we close it.
call sf%close()
! we can close multiple files (up to 10) at once.
call su_close(sf1,sf2,sf3...)
! suwind key=fldr min=10 max=20 < input.su > output.su
program suwind
use suio
type(SuFile):: sf, so
type(SuTrace):: trc
character(len=4):: keyword=“fldr”
integer:: keymin=10, keymax=20, keyval
sf = su_input()
so = su_output()
do while( sf%fread(trc) )
call trc%get(keyword,keyval)
if(keymin <= keyval .and. keyval <= keymax) call so%write(trc)
call su_close(sf, so)
end program
! sustrip head=header < input_header.su > /dev/null
! sustrip < input_data.su > data.bin
! supaste ns=1000 head=header < data.bin > output.su
program supaste
use suio
type(SuFile):: sh, sd, so
type(SuTrace):: trc
integer:: itr, ntr, ns
sh = su_input(“input_header.su”, ntr=ntr)
sd = su_input(“input_data.su”, ns=ns)
so = su_output(“output.su”)
do itr = 1,ntr
trc = sd%trace(itr)
call trc%set(header=sh%header(itr), ns=ns)
call so%write(trc)
call su_close(sh, sd, so)
end program
program suNewToOld
use suio
type(SuFile):: sf, so
type(SuTrace):: trc
sf = su_input(xdr=.true.)
so = su_output(xdr=.false.)
do while( sf%fread(trc) )
call so%write(trc)
call su_close(sf,so)
end program