The idea of this project is to provide a simple and concise example on how one might start developing their QML application.
What do we provide:
- Android, iOS, MacOS, Windows and Linux support with example code for platforms
- live reload in DEBUG mode, production release bundled to .qrc in RELEASE mode
- predefined icons from Ionicons
- predefined Roboto font
- minor sugar like HTTP caching using QNetworkDiskCache, ignoring SSL cerficates errors for development and similar
In debug mode, source files are served over HTTP using Node.js HTTP server and QML Loader element.
To notify client that something is changed Websocket communication is used.
For more details have a look into server
Start server from server
npm start
Enter your server (host where you started your server) ip into src/config.js
Open and select Debug
Build and deploy.
After you change any .qml
or .js
file, application will reload automatically.
Open and select Release
Build and deploy.
In this mode, everything is bundled and used from .qrc files.